theo raeken

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a few years after leaving beacon hills to start fresh, theo was finally happy in college — studying something he was passionate about and he had found happiness in his life

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a few years after leaving beacon hills to start fresh, theo was finally happy in college — studying something he was passionate about and he had found happiness in his life...

one day stiles stilinski showed up for a tour of the college with his fbi classmates, when he spotted theo he sat down besides him.

theo sensed him long before he appeared, "stiles... long time no see."

"i could say the same for you, theo." stiles said, before everyone departed beacon hills they made amends — no one wanted any bad blood anymore, especially after theo had redeemed himself.

"nice outfit." theo smirked, noticing stiles' fbi uniform.

"thanks... you know college life looks like it suits you. say, whatever happened to liam?" he asked.

theo flinched slightly, then set his books down with a sigh, "we broke up... liam found someone else and well," he looked up just as you entered the room, stiles recognised you instantly, "y/n and i reconnected and have been inseparable ever since." he smirked, patting his lap for you to sit on.

"hey stiles," you smiled at your old friend as you sat on theo's lap, "it's nice to see you after all this time."

stiles took a moment to process that you were dating theo, "so... how did this happen?"

"well..." you grinned looking at theo, "we both ended up coming to this college at the same time, same classes, same extracurriculars... it couldn't have been a coincidence, and have you seen him now?" he jokingly fanned yourself, "i took a chance and asked him out and here we are."

stiles couldn't help but be happy for you, he was still uneasy around theo but he slowly began to warm to him as he seemed to be a totally different person now.

"what about you, stiles? still blissfully in love with your strawberry blonde?" theo asked.

stiles' face lit up, "yes! i even asked her to marry me."

"stiles!" you exclaimed, "that's amazing, congratulations, i always knew you two would get married."

"me too." theo laughed.

"i'm really glad we had the chance to catch up, i should probably get back to the tour... but we should totally have a double date sometime." stiles said, getting ready to leave.

"definitely." you smiled, waving as he left.

theo wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips against your neck, "that double date sounds fun... but you know what else would be fun?"

you giggled as he kept kissing you, "what?"

"heading back to my dorm room..." he suggested.

"i like the sound of that." you grinned, letting theo give you a piggy back all the way across campus back to his dorm room.

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