isaac lahey

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when isaac decides to leave beacon hills for good, he also decides to leave you

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when isaac decides to leave beacon hills for good, he also decides to leave you.

"you... y/n, are the most beautiful and loving girl i've had the pleasure of spending two amazing years with... and i'm sorry it has to end this way." isaac said quietly, his eyes filled with sadness.

"let me go with you, isaac. this doesn't have to be the end." you replied, feeling your heart shatter into a million pieces as he was trying to let you down slowly.

"i can't take you away from this, love. you have your family, friends... your whole life is here. i don't have anything." he sighed, clearly this was breaking him too.

"you have me." your voice was strained as you tried to hold back your tears.

"y/n... i - i'm sorry, but i think you'll be so much happier without me. i love you, i always have and i always will, but this is for the best." isaac didn't let you reply, instead he turned around and left your room. both of you being left heartbroken.

ever since that moment, you vowed to never let a boy break your heart again. besides, your heart only ever belonged to one boy —
and that was him.

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