liam dunbar

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"it should've been me

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"it should've been me." liam repeated over and over, holding your lifeless body in his hands.

scott found him eventually, he was running his hands through your hair and begging you to come back but it was too late.

"liam... she's gone." scott said, it broke his heart to see liam so broken, and especially seeing another of his friends lose their life to the supernatural.

"i don't know what to do scott, please tell me what to do." liam pleaded, scared of letting you go.

scott crouched besides him, "let's take her to a safe place okay? and then we can figure everything out in the morning."

tears clouded liam's vision as he stood up, watching scott pick you up and carry you in his arms made everything suddenly feel real.

"how am i going to live without her?" liam whispered.

"you will... it'll be hard. but you have me and the pack to help you through this, i promise."

when is an imagine i write not
sad, that is the question

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