isaac lahey

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when staying at motel california for the night, a lot of strange things began to happen

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when staying at motel california for the night, a lot of strange things began to happen. after checking on all of your friends you frantically searched for your boyfriend, isaac.

the door to his room was open and you pushed it gently, stepping inside and looking around.

"isaac?" you called out, walking further inside.

you heard whimpering coming from close by and you saw a flutter of movement underneath the bed.

crouching down slowly you saw isaac cowering underneath the bed, curled up and hugging his knees to his chest.

"isaac?" you said softly, "please come out... it's okay."

he shook his head, "n-no..." his voice cracked as he spoke.

you heart sunk at seeing him like this, he had a troubled past but since he met you he'd finally become happier— now he was back to his old state.

"it's okay, i promise nothing or no one is going to hurt you, it's just me." you said quietly, trying to coax him out from under the bed.

"i... i can't..." he stuttered.

you decided if he wasn't going to come out you'd just have to join him. you lay down on the worn carpet and shuffled towards him slowly, "it's just me, okay? i'm not going to hurt you."

he nodded, but he looked visibly shaken.

"can you... can you just hold me?" he asked quietly.

you didn't reply, instead you wrapped your arms around him as he hugged you against him tightly, not wanting to let go.

you didn't ask him what had caused him to be this scared, instead you just held him close to you all night until you both eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

bb isaac:(((

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