malia tate

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after accepting your offer to take malia away from beacon hills, she's all packed up and ready to go — standing besides you at the airport

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after accepting your offer to take malia away from beacon hills, she's all packed up and ready to go — standing besides you at the airport.

"where to, mal? tell me anywhere you want to go and i'll take you." you said, your heart so full of love for the girl in front of you you'd do anything to protect her.

"y/n... let's go to paris. i want to see the city of love with the one i love." she smiled, her brown eyes lit up with joy and love.

"paris it is, mi amor!" you sang softly, before pressing a light kiss against her lips.

it was the start of a new adventure, away from beacon hills... but wherever you both went trouble was never far behind.

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