stiles stilinski and isaac lahey

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isaac is begging stiles to let him take you, stiles' sister, out on a date

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isaac is begging stiles to let him take you, stiles' sister, out on a date.

"come on man, you've seen the way we are around each other... you can't deny there's something there." isaac said, he'd been falling for you ever since you showed up in beacon hills as stiles' long-lost sister.

"oh there's something there alright, and i don't like it." stiles said, not even looking at him.

"stiles... if i had a sister and you liked her i would let you date her." isaac said begrudgingly.

stiles looked at him then, raising his eyebrows, "no you wouldn't."

isaac sighed, "okay... you're right. but come on, i think... i think i love her, does that change anything?"

something crossed stiles' face, a flash of sympathy, for he knew what it was like to love someone and not be able to be with them.

"i would never date her without your permission... believe it or not your friendship is important to me." isaac said meaningfully.

stiles sighed, hesitating, "okay... you can date her, but don't think just because you're a werewolf i can't hurt you if you hurt her."

isaac's face lit up, "you got it, stilinski."

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