allison argent | part 2

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he was the last person she saw before she died

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he was the last person she saw before she died.

scott mccall. her first love.

she stood outside of his door for a long time, it wasn't like she could just knock, she turned around to leave as his house brought back too many memories.

before she could make it halfway down the mccall's driveway, she heard the door open.

when she turned around scott's eyes widened, as if he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.

"...allison?" he stared at her in awe.

"scott? you can see me?" allison walked towards him. he still looked the same, only his hair was longer and curlier, making him look adorable.

"yes... how...?" scott looked extremely confused, he'd seen many supernatural creatures in his lifetime but never ghosts.

"i don't know, no one else has been able to see me apart from you." she replied.

"i've missed you." he blurted out, he didn't know what else to say.

"i've missed you too, scott. more than anything." allison was crying now, and scott's eyes looked watery.

"i don't know how this is possible... but i don't need to know. i'm just glad i can see you now. how long have you been here... as a, you know, ghost?"

"i've been all over the world until today, i was drawn back here." allison said.

"i'm glad you came back. even if i can only see you for now, it's enough for me... you know we never had our dance at senior prom, i always regret that we never got that." scott said mournfully.

"me too..." she stepped forward, holding out her hand.

scott reached for her hand and by some miracle he could touch her, she was cold but her hands felt like they always had.

"one last dance?" scott asked.

allison nodded as he wrapped his arm around her waist, resting her head on his shoulder just like old times.

they danced until the sun set, and even then allison didn't want to leave.

"i should go, you probably have someone waiting for you." allison said, finally stepping away.

scott shook his head, "no... not since kira left with her family and malia started dating isaac. it's just me." he shrugged.

"oh." she said sadly, although secretly a part of her was relieved.

"would you like to come inside? i don't know how long you're planning on staying but it would be nice to have someone talk to."

"i'd like that very much, scott."

he smiled, and she found herself smiling back as she followed him inside. nothing had changed inside, she even saw his mom's coat hanging up and her car keys on the side.

they spent the whole night talking and catching up, and even though she was a ghost, it felt just like old times.

maybe it wasn't so bad coming back after all.

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