theo's pack

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as they entered eichen house, they had one goal— to find the most dangerous inmate there and make them part of their pack

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as they entered eichen house, they had one goal— to find the most dangerous inmate there and make them part of their pack. one thing theo didn't count on was it being someone as breathtakingly beautiful as you.

they stopped outside of a large metal door, warnings covered the door from top to bottom, theo laughed as his pack members unlocked the door.

he didn't expect to see the inside so clean, and well, normal. he'd expected claw marks or for it to be destroyed, instead the walls were immaculate and the only thing in the room was a bed where you sat reading a book.

corey frowned, "did we pick the right room?"

theo nodded, at the sound of corey's voice you looked up at the crowd at your door.

you raised your eyebrows, "new guards?"

"no... we've come to rescue you." theo smirked.

"rescue me?" you asked, surprised.

"with a condition, of course. we want you to join our pack." theo stated.

you thought it over, "you really want me?" you asked as you stood up, walking towards him, your eyes suddenly turning black.

his pack stepped back, but theo stayed put, "yes. your powers come in useful."

you grinned, "i guess." you replied as you searched his mind using your telepathy. it was something you were born with, and over time it'd become more dangerous than reading peoples minds, you could change them and make them do your bidding— hence making you the most dangerous creature in eichen.

you could see he was being truthful, despite his other intentions with the rest of his pack, "okay... let's get out of here." you agreed, your whole body flowing with energy as you could finally leave the prison you'd been forced into at a young age.

theo couldn't wait to use your powers to take over beacon hills, just like he'd always wanted.

i guess this could be a longer fic but idk 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈

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