liam dunbar

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with his baby blue eyes that pleaded with you, the hardest thing you ever had to do was say goodbye to him

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with his baby blue eyes that pleaded with you, the hardest thing you ever had to do was say goodbye to him.

your parents decided beacon hills wasn't safe for you anymore, taking you away from your friends and your boyfriend, liam.

"you can't leave me, y/n, i love you." liam said the night you were leaving. you'd snuck away from your parents for a moment and met him behind a large shrubbery near your home.

"you know i don't want to, liam. but i can't stay here." you replied sadly, it was breaking both of your hearts, and neither of you wanted to say the final goodbye.

liam looked away for moment, blinking away tears that he didn't want you to see, "i'm going to miss you."

you entwined your hands with his, "i'll miss you too, but we'll stay in touch, okay?"

liam sniffed slightly, "so i guess this is your way of trying to break up with me?"

you shook your head, "the opposite. i don't want to lose you... but if you find someone who makes you happy i won't stop you."

liam finally looked you in the eyes, "not a chance," his lips twitched into a smirk, "you're the only one i want."

you smiled, squeezing his hands tigher, "i love you, liam dunbar."

"i love you too, y/n." liam said quietly, pressing his lips against yours softly.

when you heard your parents yell your name, you broke away from him slowly, your hands slipping from his.

you knew he didn't want to say goodbye, and neither did you. instead you left without saying a word.

as soon as you got into the back of the car, your phone pinged.

miss you already.

you laughed quietly to yourself before replying.

miss you too, dunbar !

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