liam dunbar

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whilst texting in class liam got his phone taken off of him, he was in the middle of texting you about a plan and you were about to tell him when to meet you

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whilst texting in class liam got his phone taken off of him, he was in the middle of texting you about a plan and you were about to tell him when to meet you.

"liam! how many times have i told you, no phones in my classroom!" the teacher yelled as they snatched the phone from his hands as he was about to press send.

liam curled his fist in defeat, now he had to find a way to get out of the classroom.



answer your texts, you idiot! this is important!

you continued to text him until it was obvious something had gone wrong, you had to extend the plan to include rescuing liam.

you ran to his classroom and peered through the door, instantly spying liam's phone on the teachers desk and liam looking around helplessly.

you groaned inwardly, "great."

without thinking you knocked on the classroom door and proceeded to act sick, close to fainting.

the teacher turned to you, "can i help you?"

you fell to the floor dramatically but not before you caught liam's eye.

"oh my!" the teacher knelt down, checking your pulse.

liam was already besides you, "let me take her to the nurse."

the teacher frowned, "i'm not sure..."

"she's my girlfriend!" he exclaimed, grasping your hand.

the teachers eyes widened, "alright, take as much time as you need."

liam picked you up easily in his arms and carried you out of the classroom, waiting until he'd reached the exit to put you down.

"thanks." liam muttered shyly.

"forget about it, we've gotta go." you said hurriedly, opening the doors and rushing outside.

liam nodded, following you to your car.

as soon as you both were inside you drove away quickly and towards the meeting point with the pack. it would take at least twenty minutes.

you glanced over at liam as he sat in the passenger seat quietly, "so... girlfriend, huh?"

liam laughed nervously, "well, that was the only way to get out of there... but it did feel pretty good saying it out loud."

you nodded, looking straight ahead, "it felt pretty good... hearing it." you admitted.

"it- it did?" he asked.

"yeah." you looked over at him again and smiled before looking back at the road.

"so... y/n... will you be my girlfriend? for real this time?" liam asked softly.

"i'd love that." you said.

liam reached over and placed his hand over yours on the gear stick, a smile finding its way to his lips.

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