stiles stilinski

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it had been months since the alpha pack killed your younger brother, despite everything stiles had been your rock and he'd helped you cope with everything

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it had been months since the alpha pack killed your younger brother, despite everything stiles had been your rock and he'd helped you cope with everything. what you didn't expect was to develop feelings for him and that confessing those feelings would be the hardest thing you'd done for a long time.

stiles noticed something was wrong when you were extremely quiet on your usual study night.

he'd stared at you for a long while before finally speaking, "y/n? is something wrong?"

"huh?" you asked, looking up from your book at stiles whose whiskey-brown eyes were staring deeply into yours.

"you seem... distracted." he sighed.

"it's nothing..." you said quietly before he raised his eyebrows in a 'i know you're lying' look, "fine, it's just i've been thinking a lot lately, and a lot of the time... it's about you."

"me?" he asked softly.

you nodded, "yeah... it's just over these last few months you've been a really big part of my life and i think i've developed, um, feelings for you."

you didn't expect him to smile back, but his lips curled into an adorable smile, "that's good, because it just so happens i have feelings for you too."

"you do?" you asked hopefully.

"yeah," he smiled, "you know i promised to be here always and forever when your... when your brother died, so that's what i'm going to do." he insisted.

your smile fell slightly at the mention of your brother, "you know i'll always be here for you too, stiles."

"i know," he smiled softly, "i'd really like to take you on a real date if that's okay?"

"of course that's fine," you grinned, "i'd love that."

"great, i'm thinking pizza and a movie?" he suggested.

"it's like you read my mind." you laughed lightly.

"great." he smiled.

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