lydia martin

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lydia is devastated when you tell her you can't be with her anymore

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lydia is devastated when you tell her you can't be with her anymore.

"b-but... why?" she asked, her eyes filling with tears.

"i'm sorry lydia, i really am... i just can't be with someone who's in love with someone else."

lydia's eyes flickered to the floor, deep down she knew it too.

her bottom lip quivered slightly, "i'm so sorry, y/n... i really do love you..."

"i know," you replied softly, "but stiles has your heart."

she nodded, wiping the tears away with her sleeves.

"we can still be friends, right? i can't lose you." lydia pleaded.

you took her hand in yours and squeezed it lightly, "of course."

it's been a hot minute since
i updated i'm sorry:( xo

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