malia tate

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whilst you're trying to explain your feelings to malia and how she never listens, she's distracted by her book about paris

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whilst you're trying to explain your feelings to malia and how she never listens, she's distracted by her book about paris.

"malia, you're not even listening to me!" you exclaim.

"huh?" she asks, finally looking up at you.

you sigh and roll your eyes, "this is what i mean! it's so hard being in love with you when you don't even pay attention to me!"

"wait, you're in love with me?" her eyes widen in shock.

"oh... yeah, but you're always too busy to notice." you mumble.

"i'm sorry, i always thought you were into scott." malia admitted.

"scott?!" you laugh, "no!"

"oh," she muttered, "sorry, y/n, i feel bad for not noticing i'm just bad at this... feelings thing. but i do think i love you, if love is my heart beating so fast when you're around and sometimes i get nervous around you."

you felt your lips curve up into a smile, "yeah... that's exactly how i feel around you, lia."

"then i think i'm in love with you too, y/n." she smiles as she sits up on her bed, she gingerly reaches out and places her hands on your cheeks, wondering if she should go for it.

instead you close the distance between you both and kiss her gently, she pulls you closer and deepens the kiss until she pulls away.

"wow..." you say in awe.

"wow," malia chuckles, "that was amazing, can we do that again?"

"of course." you grin, kissing her again.

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