nolan holloway

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you planned on meeting your boyfriend, nolan, in the library after school but when you found him he was asleep on his text books

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you planned on meeting your boyfriend, nolan, in the library after school but when you found him he was asleep on his text books.

"is history that boring?" you asked, observing the book underneath his hand.

"mm?" a confused nolan stirred as you sat besides him, "oh, hey, y/n." he said softly as he finally opened his eyes.

"hey, nolan... were you up late last night studying?" one of his friends asked from behind him as they walked past.

"something like that." he answered, looking at you and grinning as he remembered what exactly had him up all night.

you blushed slightly before grabbing your text books, "so... the golden era?"

nolan sighed, "right."

he glanced at you as you began to read through your notes, he couldn't help but smile as he watched you- everything about you was captivating.

do you ever just not have inspiration to write but you feel like you need to ?¿

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