nolan holloway

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since being a part of the hunters pack, nolan had to keep what he really was a secret

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since being a part of the hunters pack, nolan had to keep what he really was a secret. no one, not even his girlfriend or best friend knew— and he'd planned to keep it that way to protect himself and to protect you.

the locker rooms after lacrosse practice were empty apart from the two boys, liam had always noticed something different about nolan and he'd decided to confront him about it.

"i know what you are." liam said, stepping in front of the boy who had just finished getting changed.

"i have no idea what you're talking about." nolan said quietly.

"yes you do, i've seen how nervous you get when the others mention what they'd do if they ever found out one of their own was a werewolf." liam replied.

nolan didn't reply, instead he grabbed his backpack and walked away until liam shoved him against one of the lockers, the boy struggled — and with that his eyes glowed as he glared at liam.

he immediately looked down, closing his eyes.

"i'm sorry but i had to know, so the pack can keep you safe." liam said.

"i was safe, no one knew." nolan sighed.

"but they'd find out eventually."

"i didn't want y/n to find out... if monroe found out she'd hurt her just to hurt me." nolan said, his hands beginning to shake with nerves.

liam noticed how scared the boy was and he stepped away, "we can protect y/n too. i promise."

"you promise? because if she got hurt i don't know what i'd do." he admitted.

liam nodded, "we'll figure this out together, okay? sorry about pushing you by the way... I just had to know."

"it's fine... but i should get home now." nolan said, heading out of the locker rooms.

liam kept his promise, the pack kept you safe and also nolan. you eventually found out he was a werewolf but it didn't make you love him any less, and you even managed to help take down the hunters which earned you an honorary spot in the pack.

i'm so down for werewolf!nolan

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