nolan holloway

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as you were waiting for class to start nolan comes up to you, after building up the courage for the past few minutes, to ask you out but loses his nerve

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as you were waiting for class to start nolan comes up to you, after building up the courage for the past few minutes, to ask you out but loses his nerve.

"h-hey y/n." he stutters slightly with nerves.

you look up at him and smile, you'd always thought nolan was cute but you could never find the right words to tell him.

"hey nolan." you replied softly.

"so... um..." he began, his mouth going dry as he forgot the words he'd practised over and over in his head.

"what is it?" you asked.

"um... nothing." he said, looking down embarrassed.

"are you sure?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows slightly.

"well... i... iwantedtoaskyouonadate." he said extremely quickly that you barely caught a word he said apart from 'date.'

"you want to go on a date? with me?"

he nodded, looking extremely nervous.

"i'd like that." you smiled.

"you would?" he said with wide-eyes, barely believing what you'd said.

"yeah, pick me up at 7." you replied as he walked back to his desk with a huge smile on his face.

ugh i love nolan, what a precious bean

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