nolan holloway

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sitting on the roof of nolan's home, you wrapped your arms around your legs as you pulled them close to your chest

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sitting on the roof of nolan's home, you wrapped your arms around your legs as you pulled them close to your chest.

"can i ask you something?" you asked, looking over at the boy you'd been best friends with for years.

he nodded as his ocean blue eyes flickered over you, waiting for you to speak.

"there's this boy that i like..." you began, and nolan's heart sunk at those few words, "and every time i'm around him i just... i can't explain it, he just makes me happy... but i don't know what to do."

nolan looked away from you and sighed, "i guess if you like him you should just tell him."

"okay." you replied, gathering your courage as you sat in silence besides the boy who made your heart skip a beat every time you saw him.

nolan couldn't bring himself to look at the girl he was in love with who was probably in love with someone that wasn't him.

"nolan." you said softly, waiting for him to look at you. as he did your whole body was filled with an incredible warm feeling, "i like you, and not just as my best friend..."

he looked taken aback, "wh-what? me?"

"yes, you. it's always been you." you replied.

without warning nolan leaned towards you and captured your lips in a kiss, his hands slowly cupping your cheeks as he deepened the kiss.

"i really like you too, y/n, more than i should." he said after he pulled away.

you both stayed sat on the roof all night, your head resting on his shoulder with your hands intertwined as you talked about everything and anything until the sun rose in the morning.

wowowow i love froy so much

enjoy this gif of froy bc this is the 100th part...

thanks for continuously reading/voting/commenting on this book! i may not say it much but i really do appreciate it and i'm so glad people actually like my writing?? thank you

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thanks for continuously reading/voting/commenting on this book! i may not say it much but i really do appreciate it and i'm so glad people actually like my writing?? thank you. :)

to another 100 parts! xoxo

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