theo raeken and liam dunbar

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liam had noticed theo getting a little too close to you lately, and he wasn't a fan of it

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liam had noticed theo getting a little too close to you lately, and he wasn't a fan of it. he didn't realise just how close you had gotten to theo.

once he was alone with theo, theo couldn't help himself from making a comment since he saw how riled up his relationship with you made him.

"so... y/n is pretty hot, right?" theo smirked, knowing about liam's crush on you.

liam clenched his jaw, knowing what theo was trying to do.

"she's breathtaking - quite literally actually, especially when she kissed me last night -" theo didn't even get to finish his sentence before liam's fist hit him square in the face, causing him to stumble backwards and fall to the floor.

"you what?!" liam yelled, growling as he pinned theo to the floor.

"you heard me," theo grinned, "she has amazing lips, they're so soft..."

liam's eyes glowed as his hands wrapped around theo's neck.

despite the pain his smile stayed on his face at how he'd managed to torment liam.

suddenly his joy was cut short as liam was thrown off of him in one simple move. he saw you standing above him with liam in your grasp.

"so what's happening here?" you asked, glancing between the two bloodied boys.

theo stood up and brushed himself off, casting a lopsided smirk your way. you had to admit he was still extremely attractive even with bruises and blood everywhere.

"nothing at all, everything's fine and dandy." theo said, raising his eyebrows at liam.

"y-yeah, everything's fine." liam muttered.

you sighed before taking hold of theo's hand and leading him out of the small room, "let's get you cleaned up."

before theo disappeared through the door he sent liam a 'sorry not sorry' look, but he couldn't help but notice the boys face fall when he saw you grab his hand.

once you were alone with theo with a first aid kit, you helped clean him up. you couldn't help but wonder what really happened.

"so, what really happened, theo?" you asked, looking at him sadly.

he couldn't resist that face so he told you the truth, "alright, alright... i know he has a crush on you and i couldn't help myself from teasing him, i'm sorry."

"theo." you groaned.

of course you knew about liam's crush on you but for you it'd always been theo, but sometimes he got a little too much.

"you know i'll have to go and talk to him now, right?" you raised your eyebrows.

"fine." theo moaned.

you found liam still in the small room in the sheriffs station as he sat on the floor.

you sat besides him as he looked up at you.

"i'm sorry about theo, liam. i really am, and i know about your, um, feelings for me... and i apologise that i don't feel the same." you admitted.

he shook his head, "its fine... i do like you a lot but i can't force you to like me back," he shrugged, "but i let myself get angry at theo and i couldn't control it."

you reached over and placed your hand over his that lay on the floor, smiling slightly, "i think he gets on everyone's nerves sometimes- even mine," you laughed lightly, "you know i'm here... and the pack to help you with your anger, liam."

"i know, it's just hard." liam sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

you looked at the door and saw theo leaning against it, "i have to go... but text me if you ever need to talk about your anger, or anything else." you smiled softly before standing up and joining theo as you both left the station.

liam still didn't understand how you'd chosen someone like theo but he had no choice but to be on the sidelines and watch you be happy with someone else.

this is kinda different since i don't think i've done an imagine like this before where they fight over y/n?

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