mason hewitt

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mason was alone in the library, trying to get over his nerves of asking you out so he thought he'd practice

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mason was alone in the library, trying to get over his nerves of asking you out so he thought he'd practice.

"so, y/n, i, uh, i really like you and i'd really like to ask you on a date... no... will you go on a date with me? no..." he groaned to himself, hating himself for being so awkward.

what he didn't know was that you were also in the library, and overheard everything.

you walked up behind him quietly and sat besides him without him noticing as he had his head in his hands.

"i'd love to go on a date with you, mason." you said, smiling as he practically jumped out of his skin.

"you heard me?!" mason exclaimed, holding his hand on his chest in shock.

you shrugged, "yeah, i've been here the whole time."

"wait- you'll go on a date with me?" he asked, his voice rising slightly.

"yeah, why wouldn't i?" you smiled.

"i- i don't know." he began to blush slightly.

"so, where are we going on this date?" you asked.

"um, i didn't actually get to thinking that far, i didn't think you'd say yes." he laughed nervously.

"how about pizza and a movie?" you suggested.

"i'd love that." mason smiled, his nerves finally relaxing.

protect mason and the mccall pack at all costs !

bonus: a really cute gif bc of 10k reads!

bonus: a really cute gif bc of 10k reads!

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