malia tate

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three years after you left beacon hills behind, you caught with an old friend

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three years after you left beacon hills behind, you caught with an old friend ... or flame.

when she walked into the small diner on the side of the highway, everyone's heads turned to stare at her but she only had eyes for you.

"y/n! i'm so happy to see you!" malia grinned, wrapping you in a tight hug.

"malia! you look... wow." you were caught by surprise by how good she looked, she'd always taken your breath away but today was different.

"so do you, y/n." she said as she took a seat opposite you in the booth you'd reserved. she rested her hand on top of yours, "i'm really glad we're doing this again after all these years."

there'd always been something between you and malia but neither of you had done anything about your feelings and by the time malia left to go to paris it was too late to express your feelings.

"me too." you smiled at her.

"so... y/n, i'll get straight to the point, are you seeing anyone?" she asked, suddenly looking shy.

"n-no." you stuttered slightly, caught off guard.

"good." she grinned.

"good?" you questioned.

malia's face lift up, "i've been in love with you for five years, y/n. even the three we were apart."

"really? malia i've been in love with you all this time too." you replied, slightly nervous.

"how about we make this our first date?" malia couldn't stop smiling as she was watching you, still fascinated by you like the first day you met.

"definitely." you smiled, taking hold of her other hand, relief rushing through you that she felt the same.

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