nolan holloway

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when nolan sat down with his new friends mason and corey after becoming friends with liam, they looked between themselves sharing a knowing look

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when nolan sat down with his new friends mason and corey after becoming friends with liam, they looked between themselves sharing a knowing look.

"so... nolan, what do you think of y/n?" they asked.

"uh, i think she's cute... i guess." he added, his blue eyes darting around nervously.

corey smiled, "well... she thinks you're pretty cute too. we think you should ask her out."

"like on a date?... you want me to ask her on a date?" he asked corey and mason nervously.

mason laughed, "yeah. unless you don't want that..."

"i do!" he said a little too loudly, "sorry... but yeah, i want that."

"great," corey smirked, "because she's right behind you, now's your chance."

he turned around in his seat and saw you heading towards him, "hi, nolan." you smiled as you took a seat besides him.

"well?" mason said, raising his eyebrows.

nolan cleared his throat, "hey, y/n... what are you doing tonight?"

"um, studying i guess." you shrugged, not really having other plans.

he gulped, "wanna see a movie? with me?"

you smiled hearing how nervous he was, "i'd love to see a movie with you."

"really?" his voice rose slightly, "i mean— that's great!"

mason and corey smiled at each other, proud of their matchmaking skills.

a cutie !

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