allison argent | part 1

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ten years had passed since allison argent's death

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ten years had passed since allison
argent's death. she'd never been back to
beacon hills ever since she became a ghost —
it always felt too soon. but one day she was aimlessly wandering the earth and
found herself outside of the town.

she hesitated at going any further until she saw someone familiar in front of her.

"aiden??" she asked, stepped towards him.

"hi allison, welcome home." he said softly.

"you stayed?"

"i had to. i wanted to watch over my brother and friends, he went to london at one point but then he ended up back here," aiden said, "so how'd you end up back here?"

"at first i didn't want to come back, but now i'm here... i want to see how things are with the people i left..."

aiden nodded, "i'll be here if you need me."

allison continued to walk down the familiar road leading into beacon hills. she didn't realise just how much she missed it, if she had a heart it would be hurting.

her first stop was to see her best friend, lydia. she'd always hoped she'd end up with stiles stilinski. sure enough, when allison saw lydia's house she saw the baby blue jeep sat outside, along with two kids bikes. one pink and one blue.

allison couldn't help but smile, she nearly squealed when she saw the door open and lydia step outside holding two young kids hands.

"come on allison, time for school! daddy can't take you today, he has to do some very important work at the sheriffs station." lydia said.

allison felt teary-eyed that lydia had named one of her children after her, she wished she could hug her best friend or talk to her, instead she had to watch as she walked away.

on her journey she saw some old friends and some she didn't manage to meet but would've loved to.

liam dunbar had ended up with theo raeken and they'd adopted a son. mason hewitt and corey bryant had a small home with two friendly dogs who seemed to sense allison was near as they started barking.

she passed the yukimura household looking for kira but their house was empty, she made a mental note to ask aiden about her later.

next she spotted malia tate and isaac lahey, a seemingly unlikely couple but they seemed rather cosy sitting inside a coffee shop. allison was happy that isaac had found happiness again.

there was one person she was holding off on visiting... she didn't know if she could handle it.

read part two for more ...

i know i changed the gif wording a bit in the fic but still ... i wanted to do a ghost! allison imagine

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