brett talbot

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during a fight with the hunters, yourself and brett had joined the mccall pack to help them, you were pushed to one side

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during a fight with the hunters, yourself and brett had joined the mccall pack to help them, you were pushed to one side.

brett was immediately at your side, but he remembered you weren't together anymore, so he composed his feelings, "are you hurt?"

"no." you replied, attempting to get up but a pain in your side stopped you from getting any further.

brett held out his hand, "take it."

you unwillingly took his hand as he pulled you up, despite the pain, "thank you."

"yeah- no problem." brett shrugged.

you glanced at him, "what's your problem?"

"my problem?" he raised his eyebrows, "the last thing i remember is you being cold towards me."

"well, it's easier to be mean to you so it stops me from falling back in love with you." you admitted.

brett looked shocked, "really?"

"don't act so surprised, you knew i was still in love with you but you broke up with me 'because it's not safe' apparently." you mimicked him.

"i didn't want to break up with you... you know that, it was just easier for me to do, so that i wouldn't get distracted in fights." he said.

"well, i find having a significant other is good because it gives you someone to fight for." you replied.

brett stared at you for a moment, "that's true."

"i'm sorry, brett, i can see where this is going and i'm not sure i'm ready to take you back right now." you said, knowing if he didn't stop talking you'd want to kiss him, but instead you walked away.

"y/n..." brett called out, but you kept walking and didn't look back.

hope this makes sense! they used to date and then y/n doesn't want to take him back like the stereotype because he hurt her, something different than my usual imagines i guess?

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