stiles stilinski

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stiles had missed his chance to tell you how he felt, you were going on a date with someone else whilst he lay on his bed at home regretting that he didn't tell you how he felt

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stiles had missed his chance to tell you how he felt, you were going on a date with someone else whilst he lay on his bed at home regretting that he didn't tell you how he felt.

he picked up his phone when he saw a facetime request from you which he didn't hesitate to answer.

"y/n!" he smiled as soon as your face lit up his screen.

"hey, stiles!" you replied.

"what's up?" he asked, sitting up in his bed, trying to look more composed.

"well i wanted to ask what you think of this outfit?? i always value your opinion." you smiled, before flipping the camera around in front of a full length mirror.

stiles' jaw dropped slightly, "oh... wow."

"wow?" you laughed slightly.

"yeah... you look beautiful, y/n... your date is a lucky guy." he mumbled.

"thank you," you said, flipping the camera back to you, "i'll talk to you later, okay?"

"okay." stiles sighed, hanging up the phone and locking it. he threw himself back onto his bed and closed his eyes, groaning.

an hour later he heard a knock on his bedroom door, unwillingly he got up and opened the door— revealing you standing in front of him.

"hi." you smiled softly.

"hey... what are you doing here?" he asked.

"well... i turned up at the restaurant and i realised that the person i wanted to be with wasn't there..." you explained.

"h-he wasn't?" stiles stuttered.

"no." you replied, a slight glisten in your eyes.

"so, um... who exactly did you want to be there?" he asked.

"hmm... his name is stiles, maybe you've heard of him?" you grinned.

"oh definitely," he smirked, "listen... i wouldn't want you getting all dressed up to go to waste, why don't i change and i'll take you out?"

"sounds great." you replied, kissing his cheek quickly.

a slight blush appeared on his cheeks, "okay let me get changed real quick!" he said quickly, eager to take you out already.

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