stiles stilinski

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He admits to Scott his feelings for you but he thinks you're in love with someone else, but you're not

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He admits to Scott his feelings for you but he thinks you're in love with someone else, but you're not.

"She's in love with someone else."

"Are you sure about that?" Scott asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, everytime she looks at this guy... it's like her whole face lights up."

"Who is this guy?" Scott raised his eyebrows, suddenly curious.

"You, Scott." Stiles replied bluntly.

"Me?" Scott chuckled, "it's not me, man. I hear her heart go crazy whenever you enter the room."


"Really." Scott laughed.

"Should I... should I go and tell her how I feel?" Stiles asked nervously.

Scott rolled his eyes, "yes!"

Without a second thought, Stiles ran around to the other side of his baby-blue jeep to drive to your house to tell you how he feels.


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