malia tate

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malia had always been in love with you, from the moment she became human and you helped her transition to living normally- or as normal as she could in beacon hills

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malia had always been in love with you, from the moment she became human and you helped her transition to living normally- or as normal as she could in beacon hills.

the problem was that you were already with someone else, but malia promised herself to wait for you.

only a few months after your breakup she finally had the courage to tell you how she'd always felt.

"y/n... there's something i've been wanting to tell you for a long time." malia began, her heart beating quickly with nerves.

"yeah?" you said softly, looking into her chocolate, brown eyes.

she decided to go for it, no rambling, "i love you. i always have and i always will. i've waited for you a long time, and i still don't know if this is the right time... but i do, i love you."

you stared at malia in awe, a flood of emotions rushing through you, one of the main reasons you'd broken up with your boyfriend was malia.

and in that moment, it felt right.

"i love you too, lia." you said.

malia's pink lips curled into a smile, "i'm so glad you feel the same. you make me so happy, y/n."

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