liam dunbar

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bursting through the classroom doors after hearing the groans of your boyfriend being beaten by gabe, you fell to your knees besides him as he lay on the ground, covered in blood and struggling to contain his shift

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bursting through the classroom doors after hearing the groans of your boyfriend being beaten by gabe, you fell to your knees besides him as he lay on the ground, covered in blood and struggling to contain his shift.

"liam... oh god, what have they done to you?" you muttered as you took off your jacket, the only available thing, and began to gently wipe the blood from his face.

"y-y/n." he stuttered, gasping for breath.

your whole body was filled with rage for the person who'd hurt him, but right now you had to look after him- he was always the one looking after you, it was your turn.

"it's okay, liam. i promise, just let me help you." you said soothingly, finally clearing the remainder of blood from his face.

you weren't a werewolf like him so you couldn't take his pain, instead you helped him sit up, before you could do anything else he wrapped his arms around you tightly and buried his head into your shoulder.

"i nearly did it, y/n... i nearly killed them... but i didn't... i thought of you and it helped. you're my anchor."

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