stiles stilinski

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as stiles, scott and yourself eat dinner together, you can't help but notice stiles looking extremely agitated as he drums his chopsticks against the table

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as stiles, scott and yourself eat dinner together, you can't help but notice stiles looking extremely agitated as he drums his chopsticks against the table.

after eating your chinese food you took stiles to one side and placed your hands on your hips, "what's up with you, stiles? you've looked angry all evening."

stiles leaned against the wall and rolled his eyes, "nothing."

"come on, you know that's not true." you said, staring at him until he gave in.

"i like you, y/n ok? i've had to sit and watch you laughing with him all night!" stiles exclaimed.

"who? scott? we're just friends," you said, then thought about what he said, "wait, you like me?"

"yes! i have since... well, forever." he admitted.

"oh," you replied, a small smile making its way to your lips, "i like you too, stiles."

"y-you do?" he stuttered.

"yes," you smiled, stepping closer to him, "a lot."

stiles couldn't stop his lips from curving into a smile, "in that case..." he said as he closed the distance between the both of you, "i can finally do this."

he leaned towards you and kissed you, it was soft and slow at first before building into a passionate kiss.

both of you sprung apart when someone cleared their throat behind you, "i knew you two would end up together."

stiles glared at scott, "really? you chose now to interrupt our moment?"

scott shrugged, "it's pay back for all the times you made me miss dates with allison to go into the woods."

stiles sighed, turning back to you, "maybe we can continue this somewhere else? where scott isn't?"

"sure." you laughed before taking hold of his hand and leading him into a different room.

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