scott mccall

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you left scott a voicemail on his phone as you'd already left beacon hills to go to college early, malia and lydia made him play it as soon as he got it

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you left scott a voicemail on his phone as you'd already left beacon hills to go to college early, malia and lydia made him play it as soon as he got it.

"hey scott, it's me again- just calling to say i miss you like crazy, like always... um, it's pretty cool here, i can't believe i've started college without you- it's weird not having you to talk to every night. can you tell lydia and malia that i miss them? alright, i guess that's all for now, talk to you soon, baby."

scott couldn't stop smiling as he listened to your message, malia elbowed him lightly, "you're lucky, scott, she loves you so much."

"i know... i love her too." he replied, grinning.

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