stiles stilinski

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after stiles stormed out of the library screaming 'i don't need anyone' to his friends, they immediately told you— and you decided to find him and ask him about it

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after stiles stormed out of the library screaming 'i don't need anyone' to his friends, they immediately told you— and you decided to find him and ask him about it.

when you finally found him he was sat on the lacrosse bleachers outside of school, you sat next to him as he buried his head in his hands.

"the others said you were pretty angry in the library today... what's wrong?" you asked after a few moments of silence.

"like you care." he snapped.

hurt by his comment you moved away slightly, "why would i not care? you're my best friend."

he sighed, "i'm sorry, y/n... i was just angry."

"why? you can talk to me, stiles... you know that." you said softly.

he shook his head, running a hand through his messy brown hair nervously, "i was jealous, okay? i saw you talking to the 'hot' new guy malia and lydia keep talking about."

"w-wait, what? why were you jealous?" you asked, confused.

"because i like you, y/n! you're so oblivious to the fact i've been in love with you for years yet literally everyone around us knows except you!" he exclaimed.

"oh, stiles..." you began.

"you don't have to pity me, i know you'd never feel the same." he shrugged.

"stiles... i feel the exact same way about you. in fact i love you." you admitted.

"wait, you do?" he asked, his whiskey-brown eyes were wide in shock.

"i do, so much." you smiled.

"i'm glad you feel the same way, y/n... so i can finally do this." he said, leaning closer to you and kissing you slowly. his lips were extremely soft and the kiss was everything you'd dreamed it would be.

"i should've told you sooner." you giggled as you pulled away.

"yeah," he grinned, "so i guess i can finally ask you out on a date without fearing rejection right?"

"maybe." you smirked.

"so, y/n, will you go on a date with me?" stiles asked shyly.

you nodded, "i'd love that."

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