nolan holloway

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at his first lacrosse game nolan was pretty nervous to say the least, none of his (few) friends had shown up to support him and he was struggling on the field

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at his first lacrosse game nolan was pretty nervous to say the least, none of his (few) friends had shown up to support him and he was struggling on the field.

that was until you showed up.

he was standing in the middle of the field anxiously pondering his next move when he heard your voice yelling his name, cheering him on.

"woo! go nolan!" you yelled from the front row of the bleachers, you immediately saw his head snap around when he heard you.

his baby blue eyes scanned the crowd and spotted you right at the front, his heart was going crazy at the sight of you.

you noticed the ball heading his way but he was too distracted, "nolan! the ball!" you yelled.

he looked around and saw the ball heading straight for him, in a matter of seconds he captured it with his lacrosse stick and started running.

your heart filled with pride as he scored his first goal, he was only interested in your reaction when his teammates cheered him on.

his face lit up with a smile when you ran out onto the field, "you did it, baby!" you exclaimed as you practically jumped on him, he swirled you around before setting you down on the ground.

"all because of you, y/n." he grinned.

despite his initial nerves, knowing that you were there calmed him hugely. even if the both of you were only friends there was always something special between the both of you and nolan knew he'd be an idiot if he didn't tell you how he felt, and he would do exactly that.

y'all should know i love froy and nolan a lot ok bye

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