scott mccall and liam dunbar

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when liam finds out about your death caused by one of the dread doctors, he spends his nights running through the woods away from the place that reminds him of you — his home

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when liam finds out about your death caused by one of the dread doctors, he spends his nights running through the woods away from the place that reminds him of you — his home.

one night scott found him sitting on a tree stump in the middle of the woods with his head in his hands, scott crouched down in front of him.

"liam... i know you're hurting but you can't spend the rest of your life running away from your problems." scott said softly.

liam snivelled quietly, "i just can't be at home, not when everything reminds me of y/n."

scott nodded, understanding exactly what he was going through, "look at me," scott said as he reached to remove liam's hands from his face, "it's going to get better."

"will it?" liam asked as tears began to well in his eyes, "i loved her scott, i really did."

scott didn't reply, instead he pulled the young boy into a hug, one of his hands on the back of liam's head to comfort him.

"it might not be soon, but the pain will fade— you don't have to forget her, just remember the happy memories you had with her." scott said as he hugged his youngest beta.

i need to re-watch tw soon, i miss it.

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