stiles stilinski

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after showing up at the hospital as soon as scott texted him you'd been seriously injured, he saw the looks on his friends faces and he immediately shook his head in denial

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after showing up at the hospital as soon as scott texted him you'd been seriously injured, he saw the looks on his friends faces and he immediately shook his head in denial.

"i'm sorry, stiles— i really am, we tried everything." scott said sadly.

"tell me you're lying... she's not dead..." stiles muttered, running his hands through his hair nervously.

"there was nothing we could do..." scott replied.

"she was the love of my life, scott... what do i do now?!" stiles panicked.

scott couldn't think of what else he could tell his best friend, instead he wrapped his arms around stiles and hugged him as he let him sob.

"why her, scott? why?" stiles cried as his whole body began to shake.

"i'm sorry, stiles. i really am." was all scott could reply, nothing he could say would heal the growing ache in stiles' heart.

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