malia tate, lydia martin, stiles stilinski & scott mccall

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the last day of high school had finally arrived and you were taking a picture of the four best friends you'd ever had

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the last day of high school had finally arrived and you were taking a picture of the four best friends you'd ever had.

you'd gone through everything together, friendships, love, happiness, grief, losing each other and finding your way back together and even fighting monsters.

most of them thought they'd never make it to see this day, but they finally did — and they were glad they did it together.

"hey, y/n! wait up." stiles said as you walked away to get more photos of students as the principal had requested.

"yeah, stiles?" you whirled around, happy to see his smiling face.

"before you go..." he surprised you and kissed you, you could feel his soft lips smiling as he did so, pulling away slowly he grinned, "i love you, y/n."

"i love you too, stiles." you said, blushing slightly.

as you took some other pictures of the students that were leaving, malia crept up behind you, covering your eyes, "guess who!"

"hm... scott?" you laughed.

"no!" malia pretended to be offended, "i got you something for our last day."

you turned around and saw her holding out a photograph book with a bow tied around it.

"i added some in already... it's from all of us, and don't think this is just for today's photos... i want you to fill it with all of our future adventures... me, you, stiles, scott and lydia." malia said.

"i will... thank you lia." you smiled, wrapping her in a tight hug.

lydia walked over to join you both and you pulled her in for a hug, "i'm so grateful for both of you." she said softly.

"me too, you're my best friends." malia said, getting slightly teary.

"don't cry, lia. we're always going to see each other... did you forget we're all getting an apartment together?" you laughed, feeling slightly teary too as well as lydia.

"i love you guys." lydia said, holding onto you both as long as possible.

the bell rang and you all headed to class, you stopped a few times to get more photos of students who asked for their photo taken.

scott sidled up besides you and slipped something into your hand, "a token of friendship." he said before grinning and walking into his class opposite yours.

you looked down at the box he'd given you, you gasped when you opened it — inside was a gold ring with an anchor symbol, you looked over at lydia and malia who'd been given the same.

each of you slid them onto your fingers and headed into class. stiles was waiting for you, you sat down in the empty seat in front of him.

"are we still on for later?" he asked.

lydia was hosting a party for the pack, including some of the younger members such as liam and mason, at her lake house that evening.

"of course." you grinned, taking hold of his hand under your desks.

the last day was perfect and the party was filled with all of your friends, but it wasn't goodbye... it was simply a see you soon.

last imagine :')

me putting hints in my imagines so true of me ... i'll let you figure it out ;)

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