Part 1: By Chance (Updated)

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It was just another normal day at work, monitoring potential threats, fixing computers and updating software at the Shield base in New York where you worked. You were going to eat at your desk like usual but today you decided to head down to the cafeteria, it would do you good to take a walk after sitting and staring at your computer all morning. You're at the counter making tea when you hear mumbling coming from an Agent a few tables away, he seemed to be struggling with his cellphone. You thought that was a bit odd but even so, you walked over to him after making your tea to offer assistance. "Hi, do you need help? I work in I.T. if you need help Mister?... oh Captain Rogers!" Your eyes go wide as you realize the man sitting there was none other than Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America.

After the initial shock of coming face to face with an Avenger, you held out your hand to shake his before asking him if he needed any help. You knew that seeing as the Captain was from the 1940s you were certain he was probably having a hard time still catching up with the modern world. He asks you if you know anything about emails and you give him a soft smile, telling him "yes, I do" in a kindly manner before helping him set one up.

You actually ended up spending your entire lunch helping the Captain figure it out how to use his new cellphone. You take your time explaining everything, and breaking it down for him in a way he understands. You realize your lunch break is over and you haven't even touched your bento and Captain Rogers apologizes for keeping you. But you dismiss it, telling him you were more than happy to help. Besides, it was part of your job to assist Shield Agents with technical problems and you could always eat your lunch after. "Don't worry about it Captain Rogers, besides I think that's pretty much everything you need to know, but before I go would you like me to put my anti-hacking software on your cellular phone?" You offer and not knowing exactly what you're talking about he asks you to explain.

You tell him that it blocks ads, and will protect the information stored on your phone, etc. Its main function however is if someone tries to hack your device it locates and identifies the hacker, as well as shutting down whatever device they were using to hack yours with. He takes you up on your offer while insisting you call him Steve, so you take out your work laptop and install it. You also take the time to put your number in his phone and tell him to call or message you if he has any follow-up questions or problems. You are about to say goodbye when Steve realizes he didn't get your name and quickly asks you for it. You giggle a little embarrassed that you were so focused on tech stuff you forgot to introduce yourself, "I'm Y/N, Y/N Kenneth".

Later that day you get multiple "pings" on your computer letting you know someone tried to hack one of the devices with your anti-hack software, you check and turns out it was Steve's phone and that two different attempts were made to hack his phone. You send him a message asking if everything is okay, and he almost immediately calls you. He asks you to come down to one of the meeting rooms he was in for some technical support.

Unbeknownst to you, a little while earlier Steve was showing off, he was happy and a little proud of himself that he figured it out that he knew how to use his cellphone. He was with Bruce, Natasha, and Tony in a meeting room at the Shield base discussing a few final details of the meeting they just had with Maria Hill. The others are curious how Steve figured out his new cellphone that quickly and tells them what happened while he was in the lunchroom; Steve goes on about how a nice Agent, Ms.Kenneth took the time to help him with it, and how you even put some anti-hacking software on it, not that he understood 100% what that meant. The others talked about it for a bit, surprised someone was able to help Steve figure out "technology" and slight concern about the "anti-hacking software" you put on his phone. So Tony and Natasha decided to see if either one of them could break through your software. Natasha goes first and fails, Tony makes a Sly remark on how "the Black Widow, super-spy has lost her touch". Tony then attempts to hack it but also fails and Natasha calls him out "who's lost their touch now, Mr. Billionaire Tech Genius". They quickly discover that their devices are no longer working, they were glitching out before turning off entirely. Tony and Natasha are both annoyed and also impressed by your apparent skill. While they try to fix their devices Steve gets a message from you asking if everything's okay. When they ask who the text is from Steve informs them that the message was from you. Natasha responds with "This girl is on top of her shit" before Tony, getting more and more frustrated tells Steve to get you down here to fix their devices.

It takes you about 10-15 minutes to get there and you're surprised when you see not only Steve but three other Avengers in the room looking at you. "Hi I'm Agent Kenneth, Ste... uh Captain Rogers said you were in need of tech support" you say a little nervous. Steve tells you what happened and you can't help but smile; you're proud of yourself because one of the best spies and a billionaire tech genius couldn't break through your software, you knew you were good but you didn't think you were that good. You then "reset" their devices and ask if there's anything else you could do for them as you start to pack up your stuff to leave. Steve is about to say "thank you but no" when Natasha cuts him off and asks you about decrypting some files for her. You agree and take out your laptop, you run the files through one of your decrypting softwares. "It'll take a bit but this should do the trick" you say, Natasha thanks you. She and Steve go to get the group coffee, you monitor the decrypting progress while chatting with Bruce and Tony. Bruce asks you about your work in I.T. while Tony subtly not-so-subtly tries to convince you to come work for him.

At this point, a couple of months have gone by and you have met most of the Avengers. You still haven't had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Strange, Vision, Thor or Loki but you were more or less adopted by the Avengers, having become their go-to for any tech problems. You even started training with Natasha, Steve, and Bucky a couple of times a week. Seeing as you were in I.T. you weren't particular very skilled or coordinated but you couldn't turn down the opportunity to train with actual Avengers. They helped you get into better fighting shape, they could all still kick your ass but at least now you would stand a much better chance in a fight. The three of them have pretty much see you as their cheerful, little nerdy sister.

One day you're helping Bruce in his lab, for some reason the computer screens were glitching out and you're fixing them. While doing your tech thing Bruce leaves to go get a few things. You're alone in the lab for a while with your back to the door, fixing and updating/upgrading his tech, when someone comes looking for Bruce. "Dr.Banner? You're needed..." the voice trails off realizing he wasn't there. Not turning around you say "Dr.Banner left a while ago to get a few things he should be back soon though". "Thank you I'll..." the voice trails off again and in a slightly shaky tone asks "Y/N?" You respond with "yes?" as you turn to face them. Your eyes go wide as you realize who the voice belonged to; Loki, the God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard.

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