Part 124: Intergalactic Event 3/3

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You hopped down off the machine stepping forward towards Vortex Uyuud who was still holding on to Loki, you ordered him to release the God of Mischief or you wouldn't hesitate to kill him. This made Vortex smile, as he thought you looked so cute in your little armour with your little sword, calling your bluff as to him you seemed like nothing more than a puny, weak little thing. Vortex himself was over 7 feet tall, thick-skinned and all muscle from head to toe, he was covered in scars and had a frame like the Hulk, you looked like an adorable child in comparison. He had changed so much Loki almost didn't recognize him, he was nowhere near this big and tough when they were together half a century ago. You told him that you weren't messing around, reiterating your orders to release Loki or else, before turning your attention to your Prince, asking "babe, are you okay?".

Vortex caught on to the fact that you were Loki's lover, making a comment asking Loki rhetorically if you were the best he could find while trying to replace him, before letting out a laugh. "Oh sweetie, I'm clearly an upgrade, although honestly, anyone in this room is an upgrade from you," you taunt him, and your comment seemed to hit a nerve, as he looked pissed. Vortex let go of Loki, practically tossing him to the side while calling you a little bitch, taking a second to crack his knuckles, rotating his head and stretching for a moment as he slowly walked over to you. "I would normally let my crew take out the trash but sometimes you have to do things yourself," Vortex said smugly, and you replied with "well it would be kind of hard for them, seeing as their carcasses are piled up outside".

Vortex's eyes went wide and he looked stunned as you told him they cried and screamed like little bitches, saying you were looking forward to hearing the same kind of sounds coming out of him, as you gutted him like a fish. He laughed hard, it was creepy, he clutched his abdomen with his arms saying he almost believed you for a moment, before getting serious again, telling you this game was over. "You're right," you said, giving him a smug grin before putting your fingers together, using them to whistle super loud, and the people Vortex planned to take and kill for their bounty soon appeared aiming their weapons at him and the few members of his crew that were left. Vortex realized you weren't bluffing, letting out a roar in frustration before charging at you, while your team began firing on the remainder of the pirate's crew.

You jumped back just as his fist came barreling down on top of where you were a moment before, smashing through the floor with such force you could feel the shock wave echo across the room. He was strong and not as slow as you thought he was going to be but that didn't matter, you weren't going to take it easy on this guy, not even if he begged for mercy would you spare him. You don't know where these feelings of pure fury came from, but you didn't care, you were going to destroy him, and as you got angrier, you started to heat up. While you took on Vortex Uyuud your team managed to get everyone else out, only Loki remained behind as he couldn't leave you, but with the collar and handcuffs, he was merely a spectator as he couldn't use his powers to summon a weapon to assist you.

You dodge punch after punch, barely able to keep up, only able to get in small strikes but they weren't enough, you would have to use more of your power to win, but you wondered if it would work. You managed to knock him back, and he slid a few meters away from you, ending up closer to the other side of the room taking a moment to recover. He complimented you, saying you were tougher than he thought, how he had forgotten the feeling of getting his hands dirty, how much he loved and missed a good fight, and killing you, the person who thought they were good enough for his Loki, was going to be even more enjoyable.

As Vortex spoke you were breathing heavy, taking a minute to focus your mind before tossing your sword aside, telling him you were going to show him just how strong you were and you didn't need a weapon to do so, you were a weapon. You floated up off the ground and you started to glow, summoning flames to your hands as your hair caught fire, moving and flowing like plasma. You hadn't let loose like this before, not since your last battle with Shou-Lao which was so long ago, you smiled wide, this was going to be a lot of fun.

You started firing blast after blast with Vortex barely being able to dodge, you then flew in, getting even hotter, anything super flammable within 3 meters of you automatically caught fire. Even his clothes were starting to crisp up and his thick skin beginning to burn, going from orange-peach to rosy, but he wouldn't stop, he was determined to defeat you. You wouldn't let up, getting hotter and hotter, you soon glowed white, and even Loki, who could easily survive extreme climates was having a hard time remaining in the ballroom with you. With one final blow, you sent his crispy remains across the room, flying outside where all the guests were, rolling out in front of them, while they stood there in shock, as you floated out after him. You were still glowing but not as hot, and you watched as Vortex started to get up, and you told him not to try anything as the other Avengers stood by your side weapons drawn and powers on stand by.

As you looked down and around at everyone's faces, you found yourself feeling a little embarrassed getting overwhelmed, you went all "supernova" on this guy and completely destroyed what remained of the ball. You could hear Loki calling your name from behind and you quickly calmed down, promptly landing and turning back to embrace your love, removing his collar and handcuffs. You asked him again if he was okay, he told you he was fine and you ask him if he was sure, he was just held hostage by a space pirate but he told you he was really fine, giving you a kiss. You smiled, happy the love of your life was okay before requesting he take you home now, as you had clearly ruined the party, pointing back over to the ballroom that was still partly on fire.

"As you wish, my love" he whispered giving you a little peck on the lips before you turned to walk back over to the others, surprised by what they were doing. They were all clapping and cheering for you, the princess of Asgard, Goddess of Fire, and you never felt more embarrassed in your life, quickly hiding your face. You wondered who said what for them to refer to you as "the goddess of fire" because you weren't a goddess, nor were you technically a princess, well not until you officially married Loki. You weren't even completely sure if you would get married, as you were perfectly happy with what you had, not needing to prove your love with a wedding.

The fires were all put out and the hired help was cleaning up the damage while the Nova Corps and platoon of Asgardian soldiers escorted the criminals away, well the ones that were still alive anyway. The guests were all taking their leave, flying off back home in their ships, with pretty much each one of them paying their respects to you before departing. They all thanked you for saving them and saying proper farewells, looking forward to cooperating with Earth in the near future, the Nova Corps even inviting you to visit their base of operations. You, of course, stood there absolutely flustered, you were inches away from having a full-on panic attack, the only reason you survived was because of Loki, he was by your side, helping you through it. 

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