Part 158: The Lost World 2/2

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Thanos told you they were finished here, he was done and you argued, "wait, please we just need to wait, it's working... it just needs more time, please, Thanos... father, please, just a little longer". You thought perhaps referring to him as your dad would help to sway him but to no avail, he was still planning on leaving, to meet up with his other forces to get the Infinity Stones they should have collected by now. "You mean... this was just a distraction... so I'd stay out of your way?" you whispered to yourself, as you started to get all upset, how could you have been such a fool? Thanos overheard what you said and disagreed with you, he really did hope your plan would work, and he really did appreciate your work effort but this was the only way. "No it can't be, any plan involving the destruction of half the universe is not a solution, it can't possibly be a win or right if it costs so much," you shout, with angry sad tears streaming down your face. Thanos went on saying how merciful his plan was, how with a simple snap half of all people would be gone, how they would feel no pain, they'd simply be gone. "No, no, no, there has to be another way, there is always another way, we just have to find it, please, I don't want to do this," you said still very much upset, as you came to the conclusion that your plan had failed, knowing what had to come next.  

"I can't let you do this", you looked at Thanos with a sad but serious expression, but the Titan only appeared disappointed, he thought you understood, but he was clearly mistaken. The ensuing battle lasted over an hour, with most of the surrounding flora completely destroyed or on fire as you gave it everything you had, or more so everything you had left. You were pretty out of it, with fighting all the natural disasters but you matched blow for blow, you were a lot stronger than even Thanos thought you were, he was almost impressed, if only you weren't so misguided. But eventually, Thanos got the advantage once he had the Power Stone back in his hands, and he sent you flying and colliding into a nearby plateau, nearly destroying it in the process. Thanos, thinking you were dead left you, his dead soldiers, and his wrecked ship behind, using the Space Stone to leave, heading off to find the next Infinity Stone on his list. 

You eventually came to, covered in wounds, even bleeding a little from your head as you made your way out from underneath the rubble, feeling as if you were about to cough up a lung with how much dust you had inhaled. It took a while, more than you would have liked and when you finally got out and completely came to, you burst into tears, gripping your abdomen as it hurt, fully breaking down and falling to your knees. You called to Heimdall, to tell him Thanos was coming, but there was no answer, not a sound, nothing, and you worried what it meant, although you had your suspicions. No, you knew what it meant, and you stopped crying in an instant as you fell into shock, from your wounds and the realization that Heimdall was most likely dead while wondering if he was the only one or if there were others. You didn't know but their ship was attacked, by an unknown party, they managed to get away but Thor and Loki were lost among the wreckage, leaving Valkyrie and Frigga in charge as Heimdall was gone. 

With a heavy heart, you slowly put out the fires, regrowing a few of the plants as you gradually made your way to the remains of Thanos's ship to patch yourself up. You then took a long rest, heading off to the little room Thanos gave you, as it had survived your fight, pretty much having to cry yourself to sleep, but it didn't take too long as you were truly exhausted. You woke up more than a day later, still just as miserable, choosing to mostly rest as the sky remained clear for the most part, only going out to take a stroll to pick some fresh fruits and vegetables. You spent the next few days inside the damaged ship actually, while trying your darndest to fix it or at least get it to send out a distress signal, as at the moment you weren't in any condition to fly into outer space. You got a signal out eventually, although it did take a few days and you wondered if anyone would answer it if they knew it was one of Thanos's ships sending out the distress call. 

You tried not to worry about it too much, knowing that the added stress would be bad for you, opting to distract yourself with gardening and building little things out of scrap metal. You made tools and the like to help with gardening, but also little figurines, of all of your friends and family, even building a table-sized replica of the Avenger's Compound. The Loki figurine, however, stayed on your person at all times, you pretty much just had him in your pocket the entire time, keeping it with you while doing your daily tasks. Anytime you got really down you pulled him out and spoke to the little metal Loki as if it were him and you would feel better, knowing what he would say to you, how he would comfort you. It didn't take too long but when you had enough strength you summoned your music box, the one Loki gave you for Christmas, listening to it every night as you drifted off to sleep. 

Over the next few weeks, you did your best to continue aiding in the planet's recovery, stopping fires and floods, slowing down tornados and eventually tidal waves as there was enough water for small seas to form. It was terribly ironic or was it more of a horrible shame that the storms slowed down after Thanos left, they were much more manageable in the coming weeks. Thanos's ship was nothing but scrap metal at this point, no one responded to your distress call, and not knowing where you were in regards to Earth you had no way of getting back home. You could try flying through space but without any sense of direction and a new fear of black holes, not to mention your current condition, you couldn't risk getting lost and dying in outer space. So you would stay put, you were certain that Heimdall got the message to Loki and Thor, but you also knew it would be a while seeing as they would have to deal with Thanos first.  

As a few weeks turned into just over a month you came up with new ideas and built more things, the place almost started to feel like home or at least a home away from home. It was nice for a time, as you started a routine of sorts, checking the distress signal when you first got up, enjoying the beautiful sunrise this planet had to offer before eating breakfast and then building and crafting things with the supplies you were able to find. You would then take a break to eat again, next try to work out a little, as keeping in shape was important, you'd then shower and eat dinner, then relax a bit by sitting and playing by the new coastline, the water there was so beautiful, the clearest you had ever seen. You then head back, check the signal again, write about little things that you did or draw some of the plants then wish each of your friends and family members pleasant dreams before going to bed. 

Then one day it happened, you felt it as the force passed by you, spreading across the universe, Thanos's snap, he had succeeded and you were still here, but who else was left behind? 

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