Part 147: Asgard Wedding 5/5

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You spent the rest of the evening dancing and for the most part, it was a lot of fun until you had to dance with Odin, it was definitely an awkward 3 minutes. He took that opportunity to welcome you officially to the family, complimenting your use of magic during the wedding dance, it was quite unique and beautiful, their children would no doubt be very powerful. With Odin's last comment his motivations became quite clear, he didn't care that you loved each other, it was because you were strong and that you would provide powerful heirs for Asgard. "You would have preferred it if I had chosen Thor" you whispered coldly, and when you looked up at him you could tell by his expression your statement was true, despite the Allfather not saying a word. The dance finished and Odin escorted you back over to Loki, and although you did your best to appear happy, you were crying on the inside. 

Your mood didn't perk up again for the rest of the evening, although you seemed to have fooled everyone, all except your beloved who could tell something was wrong. Although Loki wanted to ask you what was wrong he didn't, as he could tell by the way you were acting this would be best to talk about in private later on. Loki did however spend the rest of the evening whispering sweet little nothings in your ear, a lot more than usual and you could pick up that Loki could tell something was wrong by his extra affection. You were so in tune with him and he was so in tune with you, it was nearly impossible to hide anything from each other, at least when it came to how you were feeling. You just understood each other, it wasn't even romantic per se, you simply had a very deep connection, you shared a bond like no other and you could always tell if the other was hurting. 

The wedding was finally coming to an end and there was only one thing left to do, and you were very nervous about it, even though you had done it before, like a lot. A procession of Asgardian nobles escorted you and Loki to your wedding chamber where you were expected to perform your "marital duties", as it was the last step in officiating your marriage. It wasn't having sex that worried you it was that everyone knew or anticipated it happening and it made you feel very awkward, to say the least. All the sly comments from your drunk friends weren't helping in the slightest, "yeah I get it... now go away", you tell them while shooing them away as they came along to see you off. 

As you entered with Loki several maids were already there, adding the last few details, they placed flowers everywhere, even throwing petals on the ground. It did look romantic, you had to admit, with all the little lights, sweet-smelling incense and the giant bed covered in a mountain of pillows it was definitely the kind of scene that would get you in the mood. At least it usually would, but with all the pressure to actually do it and what Odin said earlier you doubt that anything Loki did or said would get you in the mood now. You couldn't even start to relax as another maid came in with a large tray, setting it down curtsying to the both of you before taking her leave.  

You wondered if there would be any more interruptions as you pulled the lid off the tray to see what the maid brought, and you're pleasantly surprised when it was simply tea with a plate of little cakes. You pour yourself and Loki a cup before taking a bite of one of the little cakes, it was a lemon pound cake and it was very yummy with Loki soon joining you to have a little cake too. You handed him his tea before getting up and stepping out of view behind some indoor drapes to remove your dress as you were tired of wearing the damn thing. It was beautiful but it was heavy, tight, and giant, plus it was difficult to sit in and besides, you just wanted to relax, with part of you wishing you could forget about the whole day as Odin's words affected you more than you first thought. 

It took you more than a few minutes to take everything off, with Loki even calling over asking if you needed any help and you told him you were fine, you appreciated the offer but you'd manage. You came back out wearing your lingerie and a simple nightgown, although it reminded you more of a medieval shift as it was pretty shapeless and light, being even partly sheer. You then strolled over back to Loki who very much liked seeing the shape of your body through your slip, and even more so when you took a seat on his lap rather than in the chair next to him. Loki already finished his tea and cake and was very happy to be holding his lovely bride wasting no time he began kissing your neck and running his hands all over your body. 

It felt nice but you still weren't in the mood to have any fun, simply letting Loki do what he wanted while you just sat there contemplating, hoping that with his tender touch you'd feel better. Within less than a few minutes Loki could tell you weren't super into it, so he changed up his strategy and began massaging your back and shoulders while asking you to tell him what was wrong. You said you didn't want to talk about it, and in reply, Loki said "you don't keep secrets from your husband", which made you smile but you still didn't want to talk about it, telling him you wanted to go to bed. You tried to get up but Loki didn't let you, carrying you over to the bed instead, tossing you down before getting on top of you, not letting you up or move away from him. If Loki wanted answers he was going to get them, by any means necessary, quickly using his special interrogation skills against you, and you caved rather fast. 

Loki started to make you squeal, and you couldn't hold out any longer asking if he was sure as it would definitely kill the mood, possibly for the rest of the night but he was certain. You were quiet for a moment before telling him about what Odin said, what you said, and how he basically all but admitted to wishing you chose Thor over him. Loki turned away, already aware of how his father felt about it, not about the Thor thing but on more than one occasion, Odin brought up your future children. The Allfather would subtly insist that they grow up on Asgard rather than on Earth, as it would be much better that way, as Odin's opinion of Midgard still wasn't the best. Loki told you not to worry about it, if that's how Odin saw things he wouldn't be at all involved in their hypothetical children's lives while reassuring you that you were enough, powers or not you were perfect and he loved you, for you. This made you feel a bit better but you still weren't completely down with having sex, that was until the aphrodisiac you didn't know was in the tea changed your mind. 

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