Part 86: Ruins

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You parked the car and headed down the street, you were only a few blocks from the Sanctum Sanctorum. As you walked Loki couldn't help but notice several men checking you out, actually nearly every man you passed checked you out, even several women were ogling you. He quickly wrapped his arms around you, stopping you in your tracks and you let out a laugh. You then turn to face Loki giving him a playful smirk, putting your hands on his face asking if he's had enough. You could tell by the look on his face that he has, you laugh again before doing up the buttons on your coat, to hide your sexy outfit. "That looks heavy, can I hold it for you?" you ask, gesturing to his hand, as you smile sweetly up at him. Thor calls you a dork and you remind him "that's Queen of the Dorks, Odinson" as you head down the block holding Loki's hand. 

You arrived at the Sanctum Sanctorum asking Thor if this was the place, seeing as it looked like any other building on the block. It looked like just another Victorian-style brownstone, commonly found in this area, it was four stories tall with a green roof. The only thing that made it stand out was the large and beautiful round bubble window with the unique metal design that was on the fourth floor, it lined up perfectly with the front door. You thought the building was beautiful, you definitely loved this style of architecture, you always preferred the older styles of design, it was like taking a peek into history and you loved that. 

You got all excited and rushed up the stairs to knock on the door but as you did you found yourself on the other side of it. You were standing in the foyer, but you couldn't see much of anything at first considering there was light shining in your eyes. You step forward, moving out of the light's path as you studied everything around you, it was definitely not what you were expecting. You first looked up to see the large window at the top of a grand staircase, the one from which the bright light was shining through. You then looked around, the place seemed a lot more modern than what you were expecting but there was a warm industrial/old world sort of feel to the place and it quickly grew on you. The floor was a unique blend of wood and metal, you could probably stare at it forever but you found yourself immediately distracted by the beautiful skylight in the middle of the room above you.

Before you had time to look at anything else Thor and Loki popped out of nowhere behind you, both of them also blinded by the bright light for a few seconds. "This place is so cool!" you quietly shout, as you get more and more excited about meeting a real-life wizard, I mean a real-life sorcerer. You didn't have to wait long as someone greeted all three of you from behind and you quickly turned around to see Dr.Strange floating down the staircase. You started to fangirl a little, freaking out slightly from excitement and Loki had to grab your hand to help you calm down. 

You were all spontaneously teleported to another room in the Sanctum and you got excited all over again. You knew you were on the top floor considering you were in the same room with the giant round bubble window and you quickly ran over to get a closer look. You were stopped by Thor grabbing your arm, telling you this wasn't a place to play and you glared at him for insinuating you were a child. "No doubt speaking from experience brother," Loki says, making you crack up as you pulled free from Thor's grasp to follow Dr.Strange over to a small sitting room with a bunch of chairs. 

Another sorcerer soon appeared, he was wearing similar robes to Dr.Srange minus the cape, also the colour of his outfit was dark red instead of blue, he introduced himself as Wong. He led you away to a separate room to do the "mystical once over" while Thor and Loki stayed to talk with Dr.Strange. Although Loki really wanted to go with you, Dr.Strange insisted that he stay with him and Thor. You tell Loki it's fine and you give his hand a gentle squeeze and his cheek a quick kiss before you told Mr.Wong to lead the way. 

You start to make small talk on the way, you ask him how long he's been a sorcerer for, if he had a favourite spell or tome, and if he's been to other dimensions and if so, which was his favourite. "You ask a lot of questions," Wong remarked and you just gave him a smile, telling him yes, yes you do before remembering something you had nearly forgotten. You stop in your tracks and pull a small stack of envelopes out of your bag, handing them to Wong explaining they were invitations to "Avengers Prom", it was a few weeks away but any and all sorcerers were welcome to come and bring a date of course. He thanked you for the invitations before you continued walking down the corridor, to enter a room near the end of the hall.

Wong asks you to take off your jacket and stand on the platform in the center of the room so he can perform the spell. You watch with delight as the floor beneath you starts to light up and you sense the magical energy begin to flow all around you. You feel a bit warm and tingly for about a minute while Wong did the spell, but it soon faded away. It didn't seem like anything happened but when you looked down at your arms they were covered in magical glowing symbols. You didn't have any time to admire the markings as you find yourself forcibly pulled into a vision as your eyes mist over and start to full-on glow. 

All the dreams you had before started to flash through your mind but this time they were all clear as day now. The faces and names of the two boys, the name of that beautiful woman, and the golden city, you realized that everything was linked back to Asgard. You then see a new dream; you were hiding when you heard two voices and you came out to see who was there. It was young Thor and young Loki and they quickly come over noting what bad shape you were in, before telling you to come with them, they would take care of you. Soon a bunch of new dreams and visions start to pass through your mind but you soon realized that these weren't dreams but memories. You weren't sure how you knew but these were all your memories, somehow. Your entire other life passes through your mind but it's too much for your brain to handle and you began screaming, begging it to stop. Your cries for help start to echo down the corridor, they all come running to help you. 

When they arrive you're sitting down on the edge of the platform crying and shaking with Wong sitting next to you, trying to calm you down. Loki rushes over to your side but you pull away from him asking when he was planning on telling you or if he was ever going to tell you the truth. He is about to play it off as if he didn't know what you were talking about but you quickly stand up telling him you know everything; that you're just the reincarnation of someone they knew, that's why he and Thor were acting all weird when they first met, and why you were having all these visions. Loki then tries to explain; how he was going to tell you, but he didn't know how he was supposed to and how he didn't know what was causing you to remember your old life, he didn't want to worry you. "That's easy to say now, how do I know you're telling the truth when you've told me nothing but lies? You knew what was happening from the start but you didn't tell me, not when I was afraid, not when I was crying, I thought I was going crazy Loki! Do you even love me? Or am I just a replacement?" you yell at him, as you feel your heart begin to shatter.

Loki tells you that even though you were their Y/N before he knew you weren't the same person and that you won his heart all over again, but you don't hear him. You close your eyes, telling him to go away, you tell them all to go away, that you just wanted to be alone, you needed to be alone right now. When abruptly the room goes silent and you suddenly get really cold but you aren't sure why. You open your eyes to find that you were no longer in the Sanctum Sanctorum but the ruins of an old castle. 

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