Part 26: Girls Day Out

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You and the ladies first stopped by a nice coffee shop they wanted to show you. It had really great coffee and out of this world pastries, not to mention the place was rocking a 1940s Noir theme. You got a Masala Chai Tea and a cheese croissant, Wanda got an iced coffee with 2 shots of vanilla and a lemon blueberry danish, and Natasha got a dark roast coffee with sugar & cream and a Boston cream donut. You talked for a while about this and that before walking around the city.

They dragged you all over the city to different high end boutiques and shops, trying on outfit after outfit. Although you didn't like most of the things they picked out for you to try on, you still had such a good time. You wondered if this is how a shopping trip with big sisters was supposed to be like. They weren't related by blood but they felt like family to you, as far as you were concerned they were your family now, all of the Avengers were. You'd go to Hell and back for them, take a bullet for them and even give your life for any of them.

You then showed them a vintage bouquet you love going to. Wanda loved the 1950s & 1960s dresses, and Natasha found a 1920s evening dress she just had to have. You found a really cool trench coat, it looked like it was pulled right off of a 1930s detective. You also stopped by an antique shop and a farmer's market before grabbing a late lunch. You had so much fun together, like you had all known each other forever.

You then took them to the discount fabric store you went to with Thor to grab more material for a couple of upcoming projects. You also notice that the store had a giant basket of thick wool yarn on clearance, you ended up buying all of it. You weren't Tony Stark rich, no where near but you did have a lot of money saved up from your job, not to mention the money you made from renting out the house you inherited from your grandparents.

You leave the store, heading back to the Compound unaware that again you were being followed. "The target is within range, permission to engage and apprehend?" "Negative, the target isn't alone, the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch are with her". The operatives were getting impatient waiting for an opportunity to capture you. If they couldn't find an opening, they would just have to make one instead.

You were now back in your room laying on your bed covered in a mountain of soft wool yarn. You were so happy to start crocheting again and couldn't wait to show Loki what you were making for him. You spent a long time thinking of what to get him to say thank you for everything he's done for you but nothing seemed right. You knew green was his favourite colour but that wasn't much help while looking around, what do you get an immortal prince who probably already has everything? So you finally decided to make him something, I mean people do say homemade gifts are the best. So you decided a long, thick green scarf would be perfect, at least you knew he wouldn't have that in his closet. You also thought it would be super cool if you crocheted a little doll version of him, assuming you could find the pattern for it.

You were still working on the scarf when you heard a knock at the door. Paranoid that it might be Loki you quickly hide the scarf. Luckily it was just Thor coming to check on you, he was worried about you when he found out from Steve you went into the city. He didn't tell you but he had a real hard time focusing during training after that. You told him you were fine and that you actually had a lot of fun, pointing over to all of the yarn piled high on your bed. You then pull out the scarf you were working on to get his opinion, afterall he knew Loki for 1000 years and he probably knew him better than anyone. After getting the approval of the Thunder God you get back to work. Before Thor leaves he tells you that Loki and himself would be going back to Asgard tonight and should hopefully be back tomorrow afternoon. You quickly stop what you're doing and tell Thor that you insisting on see them off. You then walk with him out to where Loki is waiting for him. You tell them both to be safe, giving them a quick hug each, you then wave goodbye as the rainbow bridge appears to take them away. You head back to your room feeling determined to finish your project so that you can surprise Loki with his present before he gets back. The scarf was done just as dinnertime rolled around but you weren't super hungry. You did go downstairs seeing as you knew they probably wouldn't let you skip eating dinner two nights in a row.

You found the crochet pattern for the doll and started to work, the body only took you about an hour. You next stitched on a cute little smile, eyes and then added black yarn for the hair. You then looked up some photos you had of Loki from the Attack on New York to design an outfit for the doll. It took you a while to measure and cut out the pattern but in the end you were happy with it. You kept the design pretty much the same except you didn't make the helmet or the sceptre. A slightly more simplified version to be sure, there is only so much detail you can add when making an outfit for an 8 inch doll. To replace his helmet you made a crown from gold wire and instead of the sceptre you made a little dagger from an exacto knife blade. You dulled the edge of the blade so it wouldn't cut anyone, well cut anyone else besides you. By the time you were done you had several band-aids on each of your hands. But you decide to finish up the last few details in the morning as it was very late, bordering on very early considering the sun was already starting to come up. Luckily you had the keen sense to put all your yarn away before starting on the little Loki doll. You threw yourself onto the bed and within a few minutes you were completely passed out.

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