Part 75: Clingy (Updated)

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That afternoon, on the day of your attempted kidnapping you figured they would all be super attached, that made sense to you but you weren't prepared for how attached they would be. After Tony caught up with you and Peter at Stark Tower he insisted that he take you to the hospital, and even though you protested you ended up back in Shield's medical bay. They took x-rays along with a dozen or so other unnecessary tests, then even wanted you to stay there over night but were adamant about going back to the Compound.

When you arrived back you were met by Everyone, well except for Hulk, Thor, Loki, Clint and Rodey. You were happy to see Pietro, you wanted to clear things up and apologize for the weirdness that happened on the Quinjet at the party in Montreal. You however didn't get time to talk to him, at least not yet with everyone crowding you and making sure for themselves that you were alright.

It wasn't soon after you returned to the Compound when you see a moving truck drive up. You see it roll up and get excited when you see the driver, it was Rick. You run outside as he parks, and jumps out to greet you and the other Avengers who followed you. You go right up to him, frantically asking him if he was alright and apologizing for the mess at the Junkyard, because of her he could have been hurt or worse killed. He waves you off dismissively, insisting it was in no way your fault; even though you were the target you didn't do anything wrong. You then hear someone getting out from the truck, and you smile wide when you see Hulk getting out of the back. You ran over to give him a hug but as he turned to face you, you end up getting knocked down because you ran at him a little too fast.

You laugh from your spot on the ground, before looking up at Hulk with a smile saying how happy you are to see him. You get back up quickly, wrapping your tiny arms around the Hulk's midsection giving him a hug. Everyone, even Hulk was surprised by what you did but even more surprised that Hulk hugged you back, he even gently patted you on the head. "I'm so glad you're okay Hulk" you say while looking up at him with a big smile. "You worried about Hulk?" he asks and you shake your head yes before telling Hulk "of course I was worried, you're my friend Hulk". He smiles at you before picking you up and holding you in his arms like you were a football, which actually made you super happy. They try to stop Hulk from walking away with you asking him where he's taking you and Hulk tells them he's taking his new friend to hang out. Rick is the only one who is able to convince Hulk to stay here to hang out, they'll make some food and watch a movie.

Hulk puts you down as Rick comes over handing you your trenchcoat, backpack, and even your phone and you thank him for giving your stuff back, you were surprised he was able to find your backpack but even more so your phone. He tells you that's not the only thing he's brought for you as he heads into the truck, calling out for someone to give him a hand. You, Steve, and Peter come over and you see him standing in the truck next to the chair you built for Hulk. Peter and Steve knew you were good at making things, Steve saw the doll and scarf you made for Loki and you helped Peter with an art project or two, but this was on a whole other level.

Steve, Peter and Rick start to move it out of the truck, it wasn't super heavy, well it would have been for you but it was nothing to three people, especially when two of those people have super strength. It might not have been heavy but it was big, afterall it was a chair built for a guy about 8ft tall. When the other Avengers saw it they thought it looked so cool, they also didn't expect you to be good at carpentry and you received even more compliments. Hulk tries to sit in it but you tell him it's not done yet, you still needed to do the final sanding, paint it, and make a cushion so it's extra comfy.

You tell everyone you're headed into town to pick up what you needed but you were quickly stopped. "You're not going anywhere doll, or did forget you were kidnapped less than three hours ago?" Bucky says all serious blocking your way. You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at him, but he doesn't budge and you eventually cave. Bucky wasn't wrong, the Beetle would most likely try again, and you wouldn't be safe until he was apprehended. "Can I go if someone comes with me? You ask, "I'll go with you... princess" Peter says teasingly and you glare at him. You and Peter then start laughing, as the others look on in confusion, and you explain the whole "princess peach" thing, which was definitely a mistake considering "princess" became your new nickname.

You didn't head back south to New York City, instead you ended up travelling North and a bit east to another city, well more of a town considering there were less than half a million people there. You sat in the middle row of the jeep, between Bucky and Pietro, up front was Steve and Natasha, who was driving while Peter was behind sitting in the back with Wanda. Hulk tried to come as well but he ended up staying at the Compound to spend more time with Rick. You caused quite the sensation, as a decent amount of people recognized everyone as Avengers wondering who were those two hanging out with super heroes referring to you and Peter. You quickly picked up the wood stain, going for a nice dark brown colour as well as durable fabric for the cushion. You then headed to a bulk store, picking up all the ingredients you needed for the cake you were making, the Avengers all took the time to restock some stuff they needed.

Back at the Compound you ended up making an oreo cheesecake for Peter and the gang. As it turns out you actually spent the rest of the day making more treats from more cinnamon buns to super garlic cheesy buns, and even a giant pie for the Hulk. You were cleaning up or at least trying to but the others insisted you go upstairs and rest. You were confused but Wanda and Natasha took you upstairs saying they were going to have a sleepover party. You didn't really think they were up to anything and got super excited at the idea of having a slumber party. You practically ran upstairs to start preparing stuff for a night of fun, you had a girls day out but now you would have a girls night in.

While you were off up in your room with the ladies, having fun playing games and even drinking, everyone else was downstairs. The guys were cleaning up and eating more of your treats when Sam jokingly asked "we're keeping her right?". You made great food, you were super sweet, smart and dedicated. You've shown them on multiple occasions how determined and loyal you are and how you were willing to put your life on the line to protect people. You had the makings of a hero, you just needed more training and perhaps a new outfit.

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