Part 14: Game Night

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He feels you moving away and you swear you hear him utter "no" under his breath, as he pulls you back holding you against him. He is starting to say something when he stops suddenly and stiffens up. Just as quickly as he pulled you in he let you go, backing away so fast that you nearly fell off the bed in the process. You aren't sure why he back off so quick until two seconds later when Thor burst into the room carrying bags of snacks and drinks. You were surprised, you thought Thor just went downstairs and was having a tough time deciding between snacks but he actually went out to the store. "That's why he took so long" you thought while hopping off the bed to greet Thor and help him with unloading the snacks. He greets you before turning to Loki asking him if he's joining you guys for your game night. As you take a couple of the bags from Thor placing them on the dresser next to the games Loki replies with "I don't think so Thor". You unload the snacks with him as he explains what each thing is, you can't help but turn back to look at Loki. You're more than a little shocked when you turned to him and found that Loki was already staring at you. "You should stay Loki" you blurt out "it'll be more fun with you here" you turned away as you spoke. "I agree with Y/N, it'll be a lot more fun with you here" Thor chimes in, "you're only saying that Thor because you know I don't play video games and you'd obviously beat me" Loki spoke rollings his eyes a bit annoyed. A lightbulb goes off in your head and you rush over to the bin of games while saying to Loki "but we don't have to play that kind of game" Loki looks a little confused as you go over to him holding up a couple of games. "Well this game does have a battle mode but the main campaign has players working together to save the princess" you hold up a cute looking cartoon game and he raises an eyebrow at you. "I know it looks cute but it's filled to the brim with blood and guts" you hand it to him as he takes a closer inspection. "If you don't like that one we could always play a mystery game" he looks back up at you as you continued "here's one *you hold up another game* this one is about a family of detectives working together to stop the evil Mr.Valentine by finding clues and playing mini games" you hand Loki this game to inspect as well. "This one is a family friendly but I know I saw a couple of murder mystery ones while playing with Peter" you head back over to the bin to find the games. "No, it's fine Y/N. I have some things to do anyways" Loki says and you turn back to look at him with a slight sad expression. Loki then tells you two to have a good time and heads out the door. You put the games you suggested to Loki away as you fight yourself on what you were thinking of doing. You make up your mind, you turn to Thor and tell him to pick out a game and you'll be right back you say as you run out of the room after Loki. You catch up to him pretty quickly, he was only about halfway down the hall. He turns to with a stoic expression and he asks if you needed something. "You were about to say something right before Thor came in, I'd like to know what it was" you say stepping closer. He also steps closer and you try to hold steady (all of the nervousness you should have been feeling while holding Loki was hitting you all at once now). He tells you it's not important and they can talk about it later. You ask him if he's sure, he nods his head and turns back to walk away leaving you there, standing alone in the hallway.

Before heading back to Thor's room you take the opportunity to go to yours to put on something a little more comfortable. You decide to put on your onesie, it's green, fuzzy, and covered in cute cartoon pandas. You pull out your ponytail instead putting your hair into two loose, messy braids just to keep it out of the way. You then head back to Thor's room for an night of epic game play.

"Oh come on Thor, it's not a big deal!" you say while patting Thor on the arm. You absolutely destroyed him at his favourite game, and he was pouting about it. "We can play something else if you want, how about one where we work together?" you suggest, walking over to the bin of games to pick out some options. You end up playing the family friendly detective game Guilty Party, one of the games you suggested to Loki. You spend the next few hours playing through Storymode both of you having a great time. You finished the game, and it's now just after midnight, you help Thor clean up and put the console and games away. He then escorts you to his room wishing you a good night but as he starts to leaves "Thor wait!" you quietly shout and he turns back to look at you. "Thank you for not saying anything about the "Park incident", I didn't want to worry them over nothing." Thor sighs at your statement, "they'll want to know Y/N, what happened was serious, not something that should be taken lightly" he insists. "I know but it's already been dealt with, can't we just leave it at that? Please" you try your best to give him puppy dog eyes, you even stick your bottom lip out in a slight pout, it takes about a minute until he eventually caves. You give him a hug thanking him as you watch him leave grumbling to himself, no doubt mad he gave in to your demands. Thor could never say no to his Y/N, she was like his sweet annoying little sister and it was no different with you.

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