Part 142: Midgard Wedding 5/5

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You danced and partied for a while, you had a blast just hanging out with Loki along with all your friends and family. Although it looked like Ned, Peter, and MJ were having the most fun, along with all the kids which made you very happy. Even though you slow danced with Loki the most you ended up dancing with pretty much everybody, even Pietro which your hubby wasn't super happy with but he relented as it was a special occasion. You were on pretty good terms with him again and you found out he was seeing that girl Freya, the one he brought to prom, you were very happy for him. You told Pietro he could bring her to the wedding but seeing as their relationship was more casual he thought it was best not to bring her, and he said Freya understood.

Eventually, Loki stole you away again, not liking the way Pietro was dancing with you, even though you assured him that he was seeing someone else now, the God of Mischief still couldn't help but get a little jealous, even at his own wedding. You found his jealous and possessive behaviour charming as always, giggling for a few moments before giving Loki a big smile and a kiss. You then danced around a while longer, spinning Loki around until you both got dizzy and nearly fell over, making you laugh some more. It was soon time for another wedding tradition, two actually and you were very excited for them well, more so for one than the other.

First came the bouquet toss, and all the unmarried ladies stood around while you took a few large steps back, and turning around closing your eyes, you threw your flowers into the air. Most of the ladies were a little drunk so it was quite a show watching them fight over it, you couldn't help but laugh. As it turns out, Peter somehow ended up catching the bouquet, he was just standing off to the side when the flowers came flying his way. You congratulated Peter on his catch, everyone hooting and hollering at him before moving on to the Garter Toss.

You also kept the Garter toss a secret from Loki, as the tradition was silly, to say the least, you wanted to see Loki's reaction when you had to explain to him what it was. When Tony announced it was time for the Garter Toss Loki did look confused, and his face was priceless when you explained what he had to do, whispering "so babe you have to go under my dress and take off my garter belt except you can't use your hands". As you sat down in the chair Tony started to play the song "Pony" by Ginuwine, and you couldn't help but cover your face and get embarrassed by the inappropriate song. Loki however, seemed to really enjoy it, even walking over to you all seductively, which made you blush hard and you couldn't stop, not for a second.

Loki was quick, but he took a second to run kisses up your thigh before ripping off your garter belt with his teeth, to the cheers of the other guests. The garter itself was made of simple black lace, a gold bow, with a green little gem in the center of it, not super elaborate but it was definitely really pretty and unquestionably the groom's style. Loki quickly got up wasting no time he flung the small piece of fabric over his shoulder, to the crowd of single men, who were surprisingly even more excited than the ladies. As it turns out, Vision ended up catching it, which was a little unexpected, but Wanda who was more than a little tipsy was very excited about it, as this meant he was supposedly getting married next.

The party then started up again, with everyone dancing or drinking, or in Wanda and Tony's case both, and although you weren't drinking a whole lot you were still riding some kind of high. You ended up dancing with Nathaniel for a while, as it would seem the little guy had a crush on you, it was so cute, he didn't seem to understand what it meant to be married as he asked you to be his girlfriend. You giggled as you called Loki over telling Nathaniel you'd have to check with him first, but the toddler said "you were a strong independent woman who didn't need no man". You had no idea where he heard that from but appreciated the sentiment, trying hard not to laugh at how funny little Nathaniel was being. It took Loki a few minutes as he was busy talking to his mother and Thor, but when he did arrive you asked, "so Loki, Nathaniel asked if I could be his girlfriend, is that okay with you?". Loki raised an eyebrow at you, before turning and squatting down to be on eye level with the toddler saying that he was sorry but you were his and that you couldn't be Nathaniel's girlfriend. You were happy when this didn't upset him and by how Loki handled the situation, Nathaniel said okay and ran off to ask MJ to be his girlfriend instead, and you continued to smile about it.

It wasn't long until the party was winding down, with all the little kids all leaving or in AJ and Cass's case, already gone, and a part of you was sad to see your wedding coming to an end. There was a last call for drinks but you didn't want any alcohol so you just got a Shirley Temple with extra cherries as they were your favourite part of the beverage. You ended up sharing your drink with Loki, well more so just feeding him one of the cherries, taking your fingers with it, to your total amusement. Today was perfect, you only had one more surprise left for Loki, and this was the one that you were looking forward to sharing with him the most all day long.

Everything was getting packed up, Pietro and Vision volunteering to take care of it for you, and you were very appreciated thanking them multiple times for their help. You said goodbye to Queen Frigga, walking her out with Loki and Thor to a spot she could teleport back to Asgard from, as apparently, you couldn't open up portals in Melody's Garden either. You didn't mind it, of course, enjoying the quiet walk with your new mother, as the lights you hung in the trees and placed along the path looked even better this late in the day. You gave her a hug goodbye, along with one for Thor as the God of Thunder escorted his mother back to Asgard leaving Loki and you alone for the rest of the evening.

Loki quickly pulled you into his arms, asking his lovely wife if she was ready to go home as they still had their marital duties left to perform that evening, giving you a wink and a sly grin. You blushed for a moment before shaking your head no, telling him there was one part of the reception left to do and it was very important to you. Loki asked you what it was but you told him it was kind of a surprise, taking his hand to walk back to Melody's with your heart pounding, hoping he'd liked what you've planned for him. You told Loki to wait in the courtyard for you as it would be just a minute, as you had to run upstairs to get something needed for his surprise, wasting no time as you float up, entering through the window. You pulled out what you need, leaving the tower the same way you came, even though Loki insisted you use the stairs; he didn't mind the idea of you floating up to the window, but he hated watching you jump out of one. You gave him a playful smirk as you called down to Loki, telling him to "catch" as you leaped from the window, letting out a squeal as you gently fell, having your handsome prince catch you.

Loki eventually put you down but only after you asked and pleaded for him to do so as he didn't want to put his beautiful wife down, wanting nothing more than to hold you in his arms forever. You walked over to a small table off to the side of the courtyard, setting up your phone and a little speaker before turning back to Loki, saying it was time for the "Last Dance". You smiled, quickly hitting play on your phone before rushing over back to Loki so you could start dancing right away, as your nerves were all over the place. Loki recognized the song right away, asking how you could have possibly pulled it off as you began dancing to an instrumental version of a song from that old story he used to read to past you, "Looking Through Your Eyes". You explained that you brought some recording equipment to Asgard, having some of the musicians play the piece so you could record it for today, as you knew it was his favourite song from that story. The song ended with Loki pulling you back into his arms for a passionate kiss, telling you how much he loved you, thanking you for making his life complete.

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