Part 30: Sick Day

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You're laying on Thor's bed drifting in and out of consciousness as you listen peacefully to Thor as he ramble on about this and that. He tells you about the different battles he has fought in across the Nine Realms, defeating a dread beast here, a giant rock monster there and so on. You happily listen as you imagine Thor fighting each creature as he describes them to you.

He joins you on the bed to watch a movie and you cuddle up to him as he holds you close, comforting you. He asks you what you want to watch and you loudly say "Lord of the Rings, I want to watch Lord of the Rings". You sound childish & demanding but not obnoxious and Thor finds this current behaviour adorable. He can't help but smile and laugh as you lose your inner monologue and all your thoughts become vocalized. Thor calls out for Loki, wanting to show him how cute you were being. Loki doesn't respond back so Thor gets up to go and get him, leaving you alone. He tells you to stay put and that he'll be right back so you lay back and stare up at the ceiling. You loose focus and completely zone out as you start to hum a tune you don't remember knowing.

Thor walks back to his room dragging Loki by the arm trying to tell him what's up. Thor however can't stop laughing every time he opens his mouth to speak. Loki is concerned by Thor's sudden joyful mood, unaware of what is going on. Loki starts to argue and question Thor why he's so happy considering what happened earlier. They get close to the door, but stop dead in their tracks from the sound coming from inside. They peak their heads in to listen, they hear you humming a song Frigga used to sing to them as children.

You don't notice them as you were still lost in your own little world, you start to sing a few of the words. Your eyes glaze over completely as you continue to sing and hum, it's as if you disappeared and the song took over. As much as Thor & Loki were enjoying you sing they felt something was off and call out your name, but you don't respond. You continue to sing as they say your name louder, but still you don't respond. At first they thought it might have been some sort of weird joke but they soon realize something really was wrong.

They came close to you and saw there was a mist like layer covering your eyes. It made them appear pale with a grey tint, even your pupils had faded away. They try to get your attention but to no avail, it's as if the lights were on but no body was at home. Thor is full on panicking at this point and Loki was yelling at Thor to calm down while he tries to think of something to fix the situation. Thor then grabs you by the arm unsure of what else to do, maybe shaking you will help. As soon as Thor makes contact with your arm a strange tingle shot up your spine and you sat up.

You rub your eyes unaware of what happened, thinking you just fell asleep. You apologize for dozing off and ask Thor if they were still going to watch Lord of the Rings. You are still completely out of it and don't noticed how worried Thor & Loki both look. It takes you a few seconds before you notice how they both are looking at you, so you ask what's wrong. At that moment Thor falls onto the bed next to you taking in deep breaths, still trying to recover from the shock of it all. Loki on the other hand was silent as he sat down in the chair across from the bed, just relieved that you were okay. You look between the two of them worried and confused, so you asked again if anything was wrong. Thor starts to explain what had happened but Loki cuts him off telling you that nothing is wrong. Loki then goes on to say "actually darling I need to talk to Thor privately for a moment if you don't mind". You give him a nod of understanding as you get up to go wait outside but he stops you. "No dear you wait here, Thor and I will just be in my room for a few minutes don't worry" Loki says hastily as he drags Thor into his room and shuts the door.

Loki and Thor argue about what they should do; should they take you to Asgard? Tell the other Avengers what's going on? Fill you in on what's being happening? They don't even know what's happening so telling anyone else is off the table, for now at least. Taking you to Asgard wasn't the worst idea but Thor reminded Loki his banishment was lifted literally yesterday and it wouldn't be a good idea to risk it. Who knows what Odin would do considering what happened to the old Y/N, they decided against going to Asgard. Thor then suggested talking to Dr.Strange, being Sorcerer Supreme he knew a lot about magic and he was also a trained Doctor so he might be able to help. Loki wasn't completely sold on the idea, but not having come up with anything else he finally relented. The only thing left to debate was whether or not to take you to see Dr.Strange right now or after you felt better. They decided to first ask you how you were feeling before they made their decision.

Thor leaves to go get you but not 10 seconds later he comes back in telling Loki you weren't there. Thor quickly checks around his room in any spot you could possibly hide in. Loki tells him he's wasting his time, you may be sick right now and completely out of it but you weren't a child, you wouldn't hide for no reason. They then think about old Y/N and how even at 16 she loved playing hide and seek. Loki tells Thor to keep looking but to be quick about it, he himself then heads back down the hall to look for you. They were gone no more than 15 minutes, how far could you have gone?

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