Part 168: Endgame 1/3

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You flew in clad in your Dragon Armour, Tizona in hand, landing next to Pepper, who was wearing a blue and silver Iron Man suit made just for her, with Pietro not far behind, rushing in to stand next to you. You looked around to see a lot of familiar faces, but many if not most you had never seen before, but the one face you longed to see the most you didn't see, you couldn't spot Loki anywhere. And although you desperately wanted to see him, steal him away, to make love for hours, hold him close, not letting go ever again, you decided for the moment, that it would be best to focus on Thanos and his army. The second you locked eyes with the Titan you felt your blood boil, waiting for the signal to start attacking, you were going to rip them apart and burn them to ash, there would be nothing left of them if you had anything to say about it. 

 More reinforcements came through the portals and your anticipation skyrocketed, you couldn't wait to tear them all limb from limb, which was probably concerning but you didn't care at the moment. You look around, feeling more determined than you ever had before, when out of nowhere, Scott had gone supersized, busting through remains of the Avenger's Compound, bringing with him Rocket, Rhodey, and the Hulk. It was incredible to see and for a moment you swear Thanos almost looked a little nervous, which was an even more pleasing sight to behold. The last of the reinforcements came through, and you could hear their cheering, their battle cries, and you got almost excited, as you heard it, Captain America saying, "AVENGERS... Assemble. 

You hear Thor yell, with others soon joining in as everyone began rushing Thanos's forces, and you felt something burning within you, the words of your Master Shou-Lao in your mind, something was happening, something you had never been successful doing before. You fly up into the sky, up into the darkening clouds, feeling your armour shifting, feeling yourself shifting as well and you reemerged from the clouds as an armoured dragon made of fire and light. You let out a mighty roar, grabbing everyone's attention, and although you couldn't hear it, a certain Asgardian was pointing at you and yelling "that's my wife!", so proud of the badass warrior you had become, feeling so lucky to call you his love. 

You charged straight for those ugly wiggly sky worms, those stupid Chitauri Leviathans were going down, and you quickly wrap your long body around one, crushing it rather fast, lighting another on fire before tearing a third apart with your claws and sharp teeth. You couldn't hold the transformation forever, only being able to kill two more of those gigantic bastards before shifting back into your human form, feeling like an absolute gangster, as you sliced off the head of a larger enemy with Tizona as you landed. You wasted little time as you charged in on foot, letting your powers recover for a little while as you couldn't burn yourself out completely yet, as you had a lot of assholes to get through, you were really determined to kill every last one of them. First, they took your husband and half of your family, and now because of them Natasha was gone, forever, you wouldn't let them get away with that, they would all regret the day they joined Thanos's army. 

It was a very good idea to leave your children at Tony's place but not just because of the fighting, the destruction and death but also because of how much you were swearing. You were literally making sailors look like innocent little schoolchildren with the amount of cuss words coming out of your mouth, to the point even Tony would have said "language" and meant it. You were letting out all of your frustrations, every little thing that had ever bothered you over the last five years, finding the whole thing rather therapeutic, as you sliced and diced your way through Thanos's forces. You probably seemed crazy to everyone around you, and you definitely were, going Viking Style berserker mode, slaughtering them with no mercy, not slowing down for anything or anyone, that was until you saw Peter, your sweet baby bro. 

You blocked an oncoming attack, then you literally sliced the guy down the middle before turning back to help save Tony from being impaled by some brute but Peter saved him first, yanking the enemy back with his webs before Antman stepped on him. Peter then jumped in, helping Tony to his feet, going on about what had happened since he "woke up" on Titan, how Doctor Strange said, "It's been five years, come on, they need us". Tony wasn't even listening to what Peter had to say, too focused on the fact that he was back, the young, brave man he saw as his son. "I hate to interrupt this touching moment between the two of you but...", you said while fending off a handful of enemies, with Peter and Tony quickly snapping out of it, helping you defeat all the enemies in the area before all of you took a moment to catch your breath. Despite being covered in blood you didn't hesitate to pull Peter into a hug saying, "I missed you, baby bro", crushing him a little too hard, with Tony pulling you off him. It was no use apparently, as MJ soon jumped in to wrap her arms around her boyfriend, as she missed him dearly. She didn't go to space with Peter, instead, she ended up helping with the fight in Wakanda, as she had become an official member of the team, during the original fight with Thanos. She came in with the Wakandans, wondering where Peter could be and she couldn't help but pull him close as soon as she saw him, quickly planting a kiss on the blushing Spider-dork. 

 You greeted MJ, asking if she had seen Loki anywhere, and she said "I think I saw him on the far side, helping Cap and Thor," you gave her a quick hug before summoning your wings and heading off in that direction to find your love. You were pulled into multiple fights, aiding everyone you saw, hugging everyone you missed on the way, and practically tackling Bucky the second you saw him. You then took to the sky again, giving Sam a high-five in the air as you continued to fight and search for Loki, but you didn't have any luck finding him. You did, however, spot Clint running with the Infinity Stones, trying to escape through the hordes of enemies, but you weren't the only one who spotted him. 

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