Part 166: Dark World 2/2

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You weren't even thinking, as you flew off to make sure Frigga was okay, and you didn't realize your mistake until you reached the Queen's chambers, snapping out of it and hiding behind another pillar. Despite knowing you weren't supposed to interfere, you stayed to watch them, still concerned with your Mother's safety, as you couldn't lose her again. You could see Frigga telling something to Jane before she left to go hide somewhere, or so you surmised, as you turned back to conceal yourself behind the pillar, wondering what you were going to do. You weren't sure if Rocket and Thor already got the Aether or if they still needed it, wondering what you could possibly do now, you didn't want to take the chance so you decided to think for a moment. "Shit, what am I gonna do", you whisper under your breath, as you weren't coming up with any good ideas and when you check your comms you got no answer, realizing they must have gone back to the future already. You tried the comms one more time, just in case they weren't able to respond for some other reason but as you called in again, Frigga popped out of nowhere scaring the daylights out of you. 

You let out a shriek, as you fell onto your butt, catching your breath from your mother just giving you a heart attack, as you forgot yourself again and apologize to Frigga for freaking out on her. Frigga watched in surprise as you stood up, not expecting to find you here, not to mention you looked a lot different from the girl she knew so long ago. You then snapped out of it freaking out slightly, "no, you never saw me, I was never here, I'm not real, just a spirit or ghost maybe... wait are those things the same... nevermind, I'm not..." but you stopped as Frigga smiled and reached out to touch your hair and face. "It has been a long time, Y/N, I am so glad to see you, daughter", she whispered before explaining she had already run into Thor who mentioned you were here, but part of her didn't believe it until this moment. You burst into tears, as you pulled your mother into a hug, squeezing her tight as you began to break down, feeling everything you've been shoving down deep inside, so you could be what you needed to be, for your children and your people. 

You cried for what felt like a long time but in actuality, was only a few minutes, but nevertheless, Frigga continued to hug you, patting your back, comforting you. You sat down with her, talking about what had happened after Ragnarok, meeting Thanos, failing to persuade him, how you felt like it was all your fault, you were the reason Loki was gone. Frigga reassured you, holding you close as she did for future Thor not an hour ago, telling you everything would work out eventually, she was certain although you doubted yourself. Frigga said you were kind and strong, loyal to a fault, you fought with everything to protect the ones you loved, even to protect those you hadn't met, you were truly special, and it wasn't your powers that made you that way. You thanked your Mother for her confidence in you but then admitted that you didn't think you were strong enough to do this anymore without Loki, he was your heart and soul, and it was hard enough before, if you failed now you didn't think you'd be able to go on, even for your children. 

Your conversation was interrupted as you could hear the guards at the door fighting someone, or perhaps a couple of someones, and you quickly got up to hide so you could go back to the future without anyone else seeing you. Before you did you asked Frigga to look after Loki for you, as it would still be a couple of years until you would meet and she promised as you ducked out onto the balcony, hiding just out of view from the intruder, the Dark Elf, Malekith the Accursed. You watched with a heavy heart as she battled the Elf, knowing you couldn't intervene, even if you wanted to, but you knew your mother would win, she survived this, so you knew she'd be fine. You had your device all loaded up and ready to go, but, you found that you couldn't leave until you were sure, as there was doubt in your heart, some unknown force urging you to stay, you had to see for yourself that she was okay. 

Frigga quickly gained the upper hand, knocking the weapon Malekith had from his hands before pinning him up against the wall, with her blade to his throat. Your eyes went wide as you saw the stone-like soldier from earlier make his way into the room, grabbing Frigga by her throat and lifting her off of the ground. You nearly ran in to stop them but pulled yourself back, turning away for a moment to remind yourself that everything would be okay, "she'll be okay, Thor and Odin will save her". You turned back to watch, the stone-like creature held your mother in place as Malekith walked over to Jane, who quickly vanished as she was an illusion, and the Dark Elf got incredibly furious. "Witch!" Malekith roared, before demanding to know where the Aether was, as he approached Frigga with her responding, "I'll never tell you". "I believe you", was all that was spoken before you felt your heart drop as the stone-like soldier pierced a blade into your mother's back, dropping her body to the floor. 

You cry out "no!" at the same time another shouted the same word, and in an instant, you heard the sound of thunder, as Thor struck Malekith with a bolt of lightning scarring half his face. The Thunder God went after them and without thinking, you rushed to her side, as you began to cry, with Frigga lifting her hand, placing it on the side of your face whispering for you to go. You healed her in mere seconds, and before Odin or Thor could see what happened, Frigga had hit the button on your Time travel suit sending you back to the future. 

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