Part 118: Christmas Morning 2/4

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You answered the door, giving both Thor and Peter a hug wishing them a Merry Christmas and they said it back to you and Loki before complimenting you on your outfit. You gave them a dramatic pose then grabbing Loki you showed off he was wearing a matching tie, looking all kinds of handsome, and you pulled him down a bit by his arm to give him a kiss on the cheek. Both Thor and Peter had to hold back a little laugh, they didn't think Loki looked funny in his outfit but they've never seen him wear such a silly tie and they thought it was awesome. Thor said he needed to talk to his brother for a moment, Loki looked a little surprised not knowing what his brother could possibly want first thing in the morning but you went with it. "I'm starving, let's go Spiderboy" you shout giving Loki a wink, leaving him to talk with Thor as you raced off with Peter to get some breakfast, hopefully, waffles.

You came downstairs to see the dining table expanded to full size, covered in every breakfast food imaginable, and you couldn't help but shout "yes" in excitement. As you stepped closer though you noticed something, something that made you tear up a little; you recognized some of the dishes as things your Grandmother and you would make for the holidays. You went over to confirm your suspicions, picking up a piece of colourful bread, full of chocolate chips, taking a bite realizing it really was your Grandmother's Ice Cream Bread. She couldn't do a lot of baking anymore but she made sure that every Christmas that there were baked goods on the table, your favourite was the Ice Cream Bread. You start to full-on sob as you tried to speak, you couldn't believe they would go behind your back, steal your Grandmother's cookbook and bake her treats without you. It was the sweetest thing ever, to surprise you like this and you couldn't stop crying, Peter ended up pulling you into a hug but still, the tears wouldn't stop.

Wanda, Steve, and Bucky soon walked in from the kitchen putting down some of your Grandmother's Cinnamon Buns on the table and you ran over, hugging them all as you sobbed. "You fuckers... you beautiful motherfuckers" you cried, overwhelmed by how kind and wonderful they were, and to your amusement, they all said "language" in unison making you burst out laughing. You were giggling hard while crying a bit, but you managed to calm down, wiping away your tears as you wished them a Merry Christmas. Your face was still hot and red as you sat down to eat and you ended up fanning your face with your hands, taking long, deep, breaths while trying to calm down.

You decided to wait for Loki and Thor, so you could eat together, even if the God of Thunder ate you knew he could always eat again as he always seemed sort of hungry and down for a snack. You did, however, finish eating the slice of Ice Cream Bread you had before grabbing yourself, Loki, and Thor a plate, setting up the place settings next to you for them. You asked Peter if he or Thor ate yet, offering to get him a plate of food, it's something you used to do for your grandparents and it was an old habit of yours that just wouldn't die. You would offer to fix up some food for the Avengers from time to time, as you loved taking care of the people you cherished. Peter told you he hadn't eaten yet, that's why he and Thor came to get you and Loki, they all wanted to have breakfast together, but that you really didn't need to get him a plate.

You just handed Peter a plate, along with the necessary utensils and a cup, telling him to sit down while you set the table, quickly counting to make sure they had enough chairs for everyone. You thought you needed another chair but remembered Clint wasn't there, as he was celebrating Christmas with his kids, sending him away with his gift along with one for each of his children and wife. You got him the same gift as the others, but you got his children, well more so made his children protection bracelets; it was a simple charm you cast that would protect them from danger, it would light up if there was trouble nearby, and even shield them if put under attack. They were pretty but simple leather braided bracelets, with a small polished stone in the center, carved with the Protection Charm Symbol and their names in metal on the opposite side.

As for Laura, you weren't sure what to get or make her, as you didn't know her that well, but you eventually figured something out. You thought about making her a protection bracelet as well but you thought it would be weird to get another man's wife some jewellery, so you decided to get her a spa kit instead. It had fancy soap, shampoo, conditioner, bath bombs, lotion, and bath salts and it came in a cute little fake clawfoot bathtub. You were certain it was hard taking care of three kids and after a long day, a nice relaxing bath would probably be perfect.

You just finished setting the table when Thor and Loki came downstairs to join you for breakfast and they noticed your face was all red, realizing you had been crying. They both rush over to see what was the matter, Loki demanding to know who hurt your feeling so he could beat them up I mean, give them a stern talking to. You let out a breathy laugh telling them you were fine, no one was being mean or anything, it was quite the opposite actually, explaining that they baked some of the things your Grandmother and you would make for Christmas. "I was so happy and overwhelmed I started crying, sorry for worrying you love," you said, giving Loki a hug and kiss before inviting him and Thor to sit with you for breakfast.

Everything was delicious, you almost started crying again as they got every recipe right, it was perfect, it was almost like your grandparents were here with you. You tried a little of everything and you were soon quite stuffed, part of you wanted to take a nap the food was so good, but thanks to Thor most of it was soon gone. You managed to save a few slices of Ice Cream Bread, hiding them in the back of the fridge to take out and enjoy later. You then helped clean up breakfast, washing the dishes with Bucky and Steve, smiling from ear to ear, so excited for what the rest of the day would bring.

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