Part 157: The Lost World 1/2

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"The whole planet? You want me to bring back the whole planet?" you asked Thanos, still unsure that you'd be capable of such a thing, even though the Eternal Flame still existed within you, it was still recovering from Ragnarok. Thanos reassured you that you could, all you needed was a little help as he took the purple stone off of his glove, putting it in a little hilt of a necklace, getting you to put it on. "Woah," is all you were able to say, the amount of energy, flowing through you felt unreal, this so-called Infinity Stone was incredible, it was like nothing you felt before, not even Surtur's power felt like this. You found yourself transformed automatically into your light form, to compensate for the Power Stone's energy but the necklace and your Firestar uniform could hold up to it, so luckily you weren't destroying another outfit this time. Without any hesitation, you followed Thanos's orders and rose up from off the ground and headed off to start healing the planet, knowing the alternative would be much worse, so much worse. 

You had talked for a while on your little island, and when you were there he told you his plan; to destroy half the universe, so that the survivors wouldn't starve and die out as his people did. He managed to find the Tesseract among the remaining ruins of Asgard and brought it along with you onto his ship, as he was not so cruel to leave you stranded, besides he had ideas concerning you. His plan was crazy, but you doubted telling him that would change anything, so you asked if he had considered other alternatives for population control while offering a few ideas of your own to the Titan. You explained that a Nation on your homeworld did this by only allowing one child or one pregnancy per household, afterwards they were often sterilized, as over several generations the overall population would go down automatically. Or perhaps controlling the likelihood of conception with medication or the like so that it is less likely to have children in the first place, there would obviously still be babies being born but far fewer resulting in a similar result as your other suggestion. You knew what you were suggesting was kind of terrible, but it was far better than what Thanos had planned, and by the size of his armies, you had a feeling he could actually do it. You had to get him to reconsider, it was a long shot but you had to try, for all the people in the universe you had to, although you knew it would not be easy. As your conversation progressed, Thanos was pleased to have someone who wasn't a follower of his to willingly listen to his plan and tell him he wasn't crazy, having an actual discussion about it. Thanos really opened up about Titan, his past and you listened, feeling at the moment there was nothing else you could do, as you didn't know how strong he was, you didn't want to risk it, the stakes were too high. 

Thanos decided he would give you a chance, taking you and part of his army to a long-forgotten world, one that had been dead for millennia, to see if your power could bring it back to life. You became his newest "daughter" and you didn't really know how to feel about that, but you went along with it, for now, while secretly informing Heimdall of what was happening. Heimdall, who could see, and has seen what the Titan was capable of, knowing what was coming wasn't good and seeing part of Thanos's fleet heading to Earth, they sent Hulk ahead to warn them. Thor would stay with his people, as their king, they were his first priority, with Loki also staying behind as there was a chance they would find you on the way. 

It took close to two weeks as the planet was so big, nearly twice the size of Earth, and yet the gravity was similar, at least it was close enough that you knew you wouldn't have any problems staying here long term. You didn't want to stay but you knew you couldn't even think of returning home until you were sure Thanos wasn't going to go through with his plan of wiping out half the universe. But Thanos seemed content with your progress, he could see how determined you were and appreciated your work ethic, you were truly dedicated to the "cause", or so he believed. Because of you, life was flourishing once again, the entire planet covered with trees, flowers, and lots of fruits and vegetables, many of which you had never seen or heard of before. Everything seemed perfect, with the right assistance this planet could feed countless civilizations, no one would go hungry, what a truly wonderful thought. It wasn't exactly what you had in mind, but feeding the universe did seem like a good career move, you would help so many and besides, you didn't have much of a choice at this point. 

Unfortunately, with the rapid increase of plant life and more so the amount of oxygen now being pumped into the atmosphere, violent thunderstorms had soon begun all over the planet's surface, causing lots of flooding and fires which you struggled to fight off. You had more than enough power to put out the fires and redirect the floods but you were just one person, you couldn't be in two places at once, and Thanos's forces were less than helpful. With each passing day, more of Thanos's soldiers fell, losing their lives to the fires and floods, even tornados started to spread, and there was hardly anyone left besides you and the Titan. It wasn't the only unexpected thing to happen, only making the already stressful situation worse, so much worse, you were losing hope but you didn't give up, you couldn't, not yet. 

You weren't the only one who began to doubt the new plan, Thanos started questioning it as well, but you told him that it would take time, a city wasn't built in a day, how could he expect you to bring a planet back to life in a few weeks. Nevertheless, he grew more impatient, and even with the Power Stone you were still struggling to keep up with the Natural disasters that were happening, but you did your best. It all came to a halt, however, when a part of the ship was badly damaged in a thunderstorm, as you were on the other side of the planet dealing with another flood. You basically had to partly reshape the edge of the continent to keep the entire thing from turning into an ocean. So with that, it pretty much raining all the time and natural disaster, after natural disaster, Thanos finally had enough. 

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