Part 170: Endgame 3/3

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You began to stir, opening your eyes to find yourself in your bedroom, your Avengers bedroom, and at that realization, your eyes went wide and you yelled, "oh my god, I'm dead". You then heard a voice, "you're not dead, not for a lack of trying mind you... that glowing lady, Captain Marvel was kind enough to use the Infinity Stones to put the Avenger's Compound back together for us". You turned to where the voice came from to see Loki sitting calmly on the bed next to you, just smiling as he greeted you, "hello my love, I've missed you", and you in turn just stutter for a moment before jumping him, wrapping your arms around him and kissing him as you cried. It had been so long, too long, and you thought you'd never see him again, you had never been so happy in your life to have him back, and you couldn't hide your joy despite all the pain you were in. 

You wanted to claim him right then and there, as did he, but your mind cleared eventually and you pulled away, "wait, how's Tony, is he okay... wait, where's Frigga, where's Mom?". You immediately got up from the bed, or at least you tried but Loki stopped you, asking you to calm down but you couldn't, you needed to make sure your kids and Tony were okay, you didn't know how long you were out for and you were kind of losing your shit. Once Loki was able to calm you down slightly he told you that Tony was alive, still very injured but thanks to you they were able to get him to a hospital in time and the doctors said he would pull through. "That's good, I couldn't lose anyone else," you whisper as you start to cry again over losing Natasha, and Loki just pulled you closer, as while you were unconscious Loki was made aware of what happened, what Natasha had sacrificed to save everyone. Loki started up the conversation, telling you about how Natasha would sometimes give him tips when it came to you, admitting that she helped him with your corsage, everything she said was always helpful. "She was one of the first Avengers I became good friends with, besides Steve and Bucky" you began and it cheered you up as you recalled and talked about happy and funny memories you shared together. You soon felt better, deciding you would have a statue of Natasha built on Nervaria when you returned with Loki and your kids, but you didn't say anything out loud about it, not yet anyway. You laid there quietly, resting against Loki, and thinking you were still quite sad, he suggested if they had a daughter he wouldn't mind naming them after her. 

You look at Loki surprised, they didn't tell him about Terra and Skylar, and your expression of shock caught the God of Mischief a little off guard, with him soon asking you what was wrong. You gazed down at your lap with a smile before getting up from the bed, saying they had to go find Frigga as there was something important you entrusted her with before you left to go fight. As you walked out, you asked Loki how long you'd been unconscious for, and he told you "not that long, only a few hours" and you let out a sigh of relief, as the thought of your children being without you for several days was more than a little scary. You ran into Thor and several of the others who were waiting for you and you hugged them all before asking if Frigga was still at Tony's but they said no, she had just arrived along with Freya, Terra, and Skylar as Happy dropped them off before taking Morgan to see her father at the hospital. Loki watched a very pregnant woman walk in with Pietro and you leaned over to whisper to him, informing him that she was his wife and that they were expecting a son. Loki remembered seeing the woman Freya at Avengers Prom but wondered who Terra and Skylar were, as he didn't recall meeting anyone by those names and he soon asks you who they were. 

Before you could even open your mouth to say something, you heard them call to you, "mommy", Skylar and Terra both yelled joyously as they flew at you, promptly tackling you to the ground and being injured it actually hurt a little. You quickly sat up, pulling your darlings close before turning back to Loki saying, "Loki, this is Terra and Skylar", you then turn to the two four-year-olds in your lap making them look up at the man you were talking to before saying, "Skylar, Terra, this is your daddy". Loki's eyes went wide, he thought Thor's new appearance was the most shocking thing he'd seen once he came back, but looking at these tiny, adorable creatures, there was no doubt they were his. "I'm a daddy?" Loki asked, in disbelief, beyond happy of course, but the Asgardian was kind of in shock as he didn't even know you were pregnant before you were separated back on Asgard, and now he had toddlers. You nodded your head as you said, "yes, your a daddy", and the God of Mischief quickly picked you all up, hugging you all super tight, swearing that this was the happiest moment of his life, next to meeting and marrying you of course. 

The next few weeks were crazy, packing all of your stuff, making sure to take your kids to meet Melody, as well as several other places around Earth, showing them all of the different biomes your home planet had. You also contacted Nervaria within several days to see what was going on back at home as most of your people only ended up there because of the snap, and you knew more than a few of them would be going home to their families. You discussed with Thor, Frigga, and Valkyrie about having the Asgardians come to live on Nervaria if they wanted to, as you could make plans to have new homes built over the next several months. Loki was more than a little surprised to find out that you were a queen of a vast and powerful Empire, that would no doubt grow stronger with the return of everyone who was lost. 

 But out of all of the things you had to do, attending Natasha's funeral was by far the hardest, you weren't even sure if you would be able to keep it together, not even for your kids, although you found yourself able to be somewhat happy when you saw everyone came to pay their respects. It was also really hard to say goodbye when you headed back to Nervaria, you knew everyone you loved was only a Jumpgate away, but you still cried super hard with Rocket yelling at you to get on the ship or they'd be leaving without you. You arrived back super happy to introduce Loki to Nervaria, a planet you brought back to life with your powers, it was their's, and he would be your king, quickly showing him around. He loved everything, although he didn't really care about the little details, the planet could have been a desert wasteland and he would have said it was perfect because you and your kids were there. 

You didn't waste any time, you spent all of your days together, governing, training, taking care of your people and your kids, it was truly wonderful and it wasn't long before you found yourself pregnant again, soon giving birth to a little girl you named Natasha. The years went by so peacefully, well, for the most part, there were several more large events to follow involving the multiverse but you figured it all out with everything more or less working out in the end. A lot of the Asgardians ended up moving to Nervaria as well over the coming years, with most of them training to use their Chi, under your guide and instruction and you loved being a teacher of sorts. Loki took on more responsibilities and it was wonderful, he loved being in charge and was really good at it but he would constantly say he couldn't do any of it without you. The years you spent together were wonderful, and soon you let a few of your many children govern the Nervarian Empire in your stead, as it had grown massive over the coming decades, even Earth joined in 2087. You spent your days by your love's side, exploring the universe, becoming a true master of Chi and the element of Fire, sharing your knowledge and wisdom throughout your travels. You watched as your children grew, becoming heroes and strong people in their own right, you and Loki were so proud of what they accomplished as they aged, and you couldn't wait to see what each one of them became. Your story had a happy ending, but theirs were just beginning. 

The End 

Hello Reader, I hope you enjoyed this story and thank you for coming along with me on this adventure, it was amazing and more than a little hard to let go but I have more stories to tell. If you have any questions or anything you can leave them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them in a timely fashion. Thank you ♡♡♡

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