Part 131: A New Year

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You slid into the dining area in your socks and pyjamas, where everyone was dealing with hangovers and having breakfast even though it was closer to noon. Everyone watched you use your momentum and fuzzy socks to literally slide across the floor, with a huge smile, yelling "morning bitches" in a super happy tone. Loki soon followed, walking in normally, rolling his eyes, thinking you were ridiculous, but he secretly loved it when you acted all crazy and goofy. They all wondered why you were super happy, several of them asking about it and you simply smiled wide as you said "I'm just really happy, can I not be super happy on this wonderful day?". 

Tony raised an eyebrow at you, watching you for a moment as you struggled to maintain standing still before asking where you went last night. You told him you had no idea what he was talking about but Tony interjected, saying "you left my party early but when we got back you weren't here, where did you go?". They all turn to look at you and you glanced over at Loki, who gave you a nod, indicating you could tell them, you smiled again, before turning back and they, in turn, looked a little worried. "Sorry Stark, I was busy... GETTING ENGAGED!" you shouted that last part as you whipped out your left hand showing off your engagement ring as everyone looked on in surprise. 

Peter, Wanda, and Natasha all got up squealing and you found yourself squealing too as they rushed over hugging you, yelling various things, "oh my god, oh my god", "my baby's getting married", "this is awesome", and "congratulations you two!". Thor wasn't there as he had stepped away, but the second he walked back in he wondered why everyone was celebrating, going up to Loki, the only one who wasn't acting all crazy to inquire about it. "I asked her brother..." Loki said with a small smile while staring away at the ground and Thor got so excited, quickly pulling his brother in for a tight hug, nearly crushing the God of Mischief. "Hey, no crushing my fiance," you shout while rushing over to Thor to get him to release Loki, and you couldn't help but whisper, "man that felt good to say... my fiance" and you giggle.  

You weren't the only one getting attention as most of the guys congratulated Loki right away, Tony even saying he couldn't wait for the bachelor party. Loki looked a little confused, not knowing what a bachelor party was, and Sam and Tony got almost excited, they were going to show the God of Mischief a good time. Tony said they would have to throw you an engagement party, and he quickly went off to throw something together, not missing a chance to party and drink, even when hungover. Only Bruce was really quiet, congratulating both of you of course, but there was something almost off about it, although you really didn't notice until later. 

While you were getting ready Bruce stopped by, which was a little weird seeing as he hardly ever did, but you didn't mind, you invited him in, asking what was up. Bruce seemed uneasy, and you noticed, thinking about his mood earlier you inquired if anything was wrong but he dismissed your question, saying he was fine, just a little tired. So you bought his excuse for the moment, but if this gloomy mood continued you were going to press further for answers but for now you dropped it, simply smiling wondering what made him stop by. Bruce asked about your wedding, specifically when it was, would it be sooner or later, but you told him you really didn't have anything planned yet, a million ideas but nothing set in stone. With that Bruce took his leave and you were left a little confused but ultimately came to the conclusion that he just wanted to make sure he could attend, "saving the date" as it were. 

"I'll say this for the man, he knows how to throw a party together, quickly," Loki says as you arrived at your engagement party, it was full of people, music, food, and booze, it looked so exciting. It wasn't really your style but you and Loki tried to have a good time, dancing and drinking before dipping out again to hang out outside in the snow. Being a little tipsy you decided to try and build a snowman but any time you tried to grab some snow it would start to melt, making you kind of sad. Loki thought you looked so cute sitting in the snow on your knees not caring that your fancy new long black bodycon dress was getting wet and a little dirty, you were just sad about the snow. "I know I'm hot but still... why snow, why... why did you betray me?" you ask not really making sense as you were definitely a little drunk but Loki found it funny. 

"Loki..." you called over, trying really hard not to laugh, and once he looked over you ask "do you want to build a snowman?", singing the classic line from "Frozen" before laughing really hard. For some reason, it was the funniest thing in the world to you, and you couldn't stop laughing for a good five minutes, falling over into a snowbank that soon melted underneath you. As Loki picked you up you started calling out people's names, people you actually knew but also characters from "Frozen", before saying the line, "I don't even know a Samantha". You continue to say "classic" and "funny" lines from the Frozen franchise and laugh as Loki takes you home to put you to bed.  

Loki helped you take off your dress and lay you down in bed, but when he tried to get in bed you wouldn't let him, saying you were engaged and you couldn't sleep with anyone else. Loki realized you were a lot further gone than he initially thought, as you didn't recognize him but he found it funny rather than annoying and he soon asked you all about your "boyfriend". "His name is Loki... and he's bootiful... and he's smart, like super smart... and he's good with knives... it's so hot..." you began before breaking out in giggles, falling over, covering your face with the blanket. "Oh, really?" Loki asks with a smirk, and you sit back up as you keep going on about him, "yeah... I love him so much... I want to shout it to the sky... he's so perfect..." you smile leaning in as you continued.  

You got all serious, as if you had a moment of clarity, repeating what you thought while talking with Peter yesterday, "I would write songs that echo throughout the stars... the heavens and universe would know and sing of our love... he deserves nothing less". Loki looks at you with wide eyes, and he asked you if you were being serious, but you just start to giggle as you recognized him, pulling Loki into bed, holding him close to you. You start to cover Loki's face in kisses, making loud adorable sounds as you did so while looking at him and saying he was the most precious gift in the world and you couldn't wait to marry him. You then proceeded to immediately drift off to sleep, with your head resting against Loki's shoulder, but Loki didn't fall asleep for a while, as he was way too happy to even think about resting.  

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